Quarantine School Part 2

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Full Title: The Adventures of the Last Days of Quarantine School

Your last year of high school with Peter Parker was... eventful, to say the least. The pandemic had made that year a year of wearing masks if you went in person or doing zoom class. You and Peter decided to stay in the Avengers compound and do online school. You two chose to do this for a few reasons.

One: it was super easy and fun to be "present" in a zoom call while hanging out with the others. You and Peter often chilled in the 'living room' with earbuds in, pretending to be paying attention but actually screwing with each other. And that was only when the teachers enforced the camera on rule. If it wasn't enforced, you two would put your laptops on the table (mics and cameras off) and do anything else. You guys were smart enough to just ace the classes anyway.

Two: it was even easier to blow off school and go on any missions necessary. Before, you and Peter would have to figure out how many of each class you had each missed and then decide if you could go on the mission. This year? The school wasn't counting absents against the students because so many things could be going on that it was fair.

Three: you could do school from anywhere. There were times where, while out on missions, you and Peter would be able to do a bit of zoom in the hotel rooms or with views looking out over where you were. It was super easy to play if off like it was a background, too.

Four: Tony really didn't want people going out regularly and coming back to spread their germs. Doing online school made him less stressed and just much happier in general.

Now, there were also some challenges.

"Miss Banner, Mr. Parker, is there a way you guys can go somewhere quieter? It's extremely loud every time you unmute to answer questions," our teacher, Mr. Deacon, asked you two. You were in the middle of a lesson on gamma radiation and the Avengers in another part of the hotel room were being very loud. It was all of them in that one room, talking very animatedly. It's not like they had their own rooms or anything... oh wait.

You sighed and rubbed the back of your neck. Unmuting, you said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Duncan, but we really can't go anywhere else and have it get quieter... the, uh, other rooms of the house are, uh, having construction done on them..."

Nobody else was supposed to know the Avengers were in Tokyo right now. And everyone was under the impression that Peter Parker and his friend from the Stark Internship (Y/n) Banner were at your house. Not facility, house. Oh, and Banner was just a common last name. There were a lot of secrets.

Mr. Deacon sighed and shook his head. "It's fine, we can continue. If you have any questions or answers just raise your hand and type in the chat so I see it," he said. The class moved on. You and Peter looked at each other from across the room and looked annoyed at the other together.


The next week, you were all back at the facility. You were hanging out in your room and Peter was in his. This was another one of those classes where you had to have the camera on as well, so you pretended to nod along while not paying any attention to your astronomy teacher, Mr. May. It wasn't his fault the class was boring.

It was your turn to answer, so you had the mic on. When you were about to rattle some stuff off about the moon, a loud breaking noise, followed by a crash, and then a thud echoed through your room.

You looked over to the side quickly, noticing Clint was now laying on the floor of your room. Silently, you thanked the Gods that that all happened off camera.

"Miss Banner, is everything okay over there?" Mr. May asked.

You were barely paying attention to them, but enough to give them a sort-of answer. "Yeah... uh, yeah sorry Clint just fell out of the vents..." you said glancing back and forth between them and Clint on the ground. Finally, you leaned forward and looked at Clint closer. "Hey man, you good?"

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