Chapter Thirty-Two

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I received letters and donations everyday from people all over the world. The furthest place a package came from was from Australia. I was overwhelmed with all the support our story had received from the media. I had several news stations from London, even American stations, asking for Layla and I to do interviews with them. Everybody stood up for us and wanted us to stay together despite never knowing us.

"More mail for you," Joe said carrying in a box of what I assumed to be letters.

"Thank you servant," I said fanning myself. After today's radiation treatment Joe had promised to take me out on a fancy date. Even though we were still not together, but I appreciated the gesture. He sat down next to me on the couch and pulled me into a hug. Nothing could be better than times like these when nothing in the world mattered except spending as much time as I could with the people I loved.

"You wish I was your servant," he laughed into my hair.

"No, I really don't," I said in response to him. I looked behind me to see his facial expression change from a playful one to a very serious one.

"Why not?"

"Because you're too special to be a servant... On the other hand you could be my-" I winked at him trying to finish my sentence, but Caspar walked in.

"I thought you guys were broken up, this is such a weird situation," he said putting a hand to his head. Ever since he found out Joe and I were "separated" he's been giving me the silent treatment. I knew that Caspar and Joe were close, but I never realized that they were this close. Caspar loved Joe unconditionally and I knew that anything that happened between Joe and I also had to go through Caspar.

"It's complicated Cas..." Joe spoke up. His tone was friendly, but I knew there was a secret message in his voice.

"Just get back together, you guys are never truly going to break up. It's ridiculous that you guys even broke up," he said shrugging his shoulders. For some reason he got really defensive and hostile towards me.

"It's difficult Caspar," I said noticing that with every word he moved closer towards us.

"How is it difficult? Joe brought you here. He was the one that fell in love with you and now you live with us. I wish I was in the same position as you were Marilyn. You get everything you ever wanted and you're still ungrateful," he said turning his back to us. My eyes widened. I could not believe that he actually called me ungrateful. I stood up from the couch and pulled on his shoulder as he tried to walk away.

"Don't you dare call me ungrateful. You don't know anything about me and about my life. I don't get everything I ever want, it falls into place. It's not my fault. Do you think I want to have cancer? Do you think I want to go to the hospital every day except the weekends? Do you think I want to leave the people I love?" I said, but by the time it was the end of my speech I was yelling at him. Tears welled up in both of our eyes, but for him it was weird to see. Why was he crying?

"You're a bitch," he said and walked away. I stood there shocked and looked at Joe who was also shocked.

"Maybe him and Layla are having issues?" Joe asked standing up and walking beside me. I shrugged and followed Caspar to his room.

"Cas?" I said opening his door. He was alone sitting on his bed with his head in his hands and he was sobbing a little bit. I went inside his room and shut the door. "I'm sorry..."

"No," he replied looking up at me. His eyes were bloodshot and he looked absolutely terrible. I walked up to his bed and I sat down next to him. We never made eye contact, but I knew what he was trying to say.

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