Chapter Three

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       “Now Lovell High School is proud to present miss Marilyn Stewart, your senior class president!” the principal said in the microphone. I was so nervous. Justin would be staring at me while I give my speech. I have not talked to him since the… incident. I was still shocked over what happened and I was worried I would forget my speech, even though I had notecards to read from. The principal, Mr. Lewandowski, shook my hand and whispered, “kill ‘em!” while pulling me in a friendly, yet professional hug.

     For days I have been working writing and perfecting this speech. At this point, I had forgot all about my hardwork and sleepless nights and just focused on Justin and his previous actions. Would he stand up and yell at me during my speech? Would he look at me weird? Do not make eye contact, I reminded myself. Please do not make eye contact. Just read your speech and look at your sister, or your friends. Now the real question to stand was whether or not I would take Layla’s bet, but at this time I was already at the podium getting my notecards in order and doing a little cough before I begin my introduction.

    “Ladies and gentlemen, friends and family of our Lovell 2014 graduates,” there were woo’s from the audience, a sure sign I had caught their attention, “I was asked to write a speech about life and high school. At first, I did not know what to write because life and high school careers differ in all aspects. So, I made this speech personal and I hope you enjoy it.” I flashed a smile to the audience and my classmates who responded in smiling back.

    “During high school I hated- well rather, dreaded the time spent in classes and I hated doing homework. Despite all the hard “college level” classes I had took over the course of four years I am currently number eleven in our class of 260. Do you even know how hard I work, and I am not even credited with a top ten spot because our school does not allow extra points on our GPA!?” I heard fellow students agree and respond with ‘you tell ‘em’, ‘fight the system Mary’, and ‘go get ‘em girl!’ I definitely enticed them at this point.

    “I never really had true best friends at school, just friends. Which I consider everyone at this point. I know we will probably never talk from this point on, but I believe, deep down, that true friendships will last. Although I, never having a ‘bff’ will not know what this is like, you guys will, especially if you stay in this town. My friends, looking back at it… I hung out with the wrong crowd from middle school on. That’s why my parents had to restrain me from everything and I couldn’t hang out with you guys… But besides the point.. They taught me how to lie to my parents and most importantly, they taught me how to live. Nobody is going to live a perfect life and follow all the rules. That is too boring. Sometimes you have to spice life up and do something daring. I’m not saying break all the rules and do something illegal- I’m saying lie sometimes, stick up for yourself in an ostentatious way, be yourself, and above all do not conform to whomever society tells you to be. Although, I learned that the hard way… I have learned it,” I looked down at my cards and I was flustered. Some of what I said did not make sense, and I was just saying random things because my cards were very vague. Note to self: when making a speech do not write vaguely.

    “I do not know what I want to do after high school.. Actually I do not know that I am even going to college,” I heard gasps from the audience because that is what you had to do in this town, or get married. “I guess what I am saying is that I want to travel the world and experience different cultures and practices we do not hold here. I have not figured out who I am yet, nor have I figured out what I want to be. I do not want to settle down with anyone just yet, I want to have fun and experience everything I possibly can before I grow older. As I grow older, I would hope to share my stories and experiences with the world… So I guess you can say that I would like to be an author..” I looked at Justin in the crowd and got really nervous. He seemed to actually enjoy my speech because he was, or what seemed to be, involved by shaking his head. I looked all the way in the back of the hall where the graduation was held and found Layla, she was giving me the thumbs up. I was going to proceed with the plan.

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