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We still hadn't come up with a solution to Xavier's problem. And judging from the tired look on his mates face, we needed to. Xavier and Amada deserved a chance. My best friend deserved to be able to be with his mate.

I never imagined I'd be coming home under these circumstances. Then again I had never imagined returning here at all. Even though everyone here had no choice but to obey the alpha, I still felt so abandoned and rejected by my pack.

Usually packs are run by good alphas. The moon goddess doesn't bestow the position to just anyone. But Masons upbringing had turned him so cruel and twisted that whatever good he could've been didn't exist anymore. Since good men and children of good men were the only ones allowed to lead a pack, Mason had been given this birthright. And as his birthright the only one who could challenge him was another alpha.

Which is why he made sure this pack steered clear of other packs. We were an isolated pack that no one bothered. And we weren't all exceptionally strong so we weren't a pack any alpha wanted. I didn't question how I managed to rebel against Mason. Of course it made no sense to me, but after having escaped the torture I had been forced to endure all I could think of was freedom. How amazing it felt to run and be free of the chains he had tied around me in that pack.

My reasons for not wanting to be in a pack are more than just not wanting to be given orders. I'm a good fighter, I'd be a fucking great pack fighter. I'd protect my pack even if it killed me. But my last experience with a pack had been so brutal. I had felt as if there were these chains around me that i couldn't escape. The alpha command made it so. And giving away my free will like that again isn't something I plan on doing.

"We're going to find a way to help him, Valentina," Jace said as he entered the room I was in.

I didn't sit up to face him. My body lay against the bed facing the wall with my feet pressed up against it. He was too big to lay down this way so he remained standing, watching as I slid my feet back and forth on the wall.

"We already know how to save him," I replied, keeping my eyes trained on my pink socks.

"You know that's not gonna fucking happen," he growled and suddenly he was above me.

His face glared down at me and as beautiful as he is, looking at him upside down was kind of funny. So when I burst out laughing in the middle of his tantrum, he leaned away and sighed. I must look like a crazy person, but after everything laughing felt so good.

"You know," I said after I had stopped my laughter and sat up, my hair a mess on top of my head, "I love how you keep trying to control me. Tell me, do you think that if you continue to do it eventually it'll work? Kinda like the whole turning something on and off again in hopes of fixing it, even though you know it's futile after the first try?"

The look on his face made me gulp as I stared back at him. It wasn't that he was angry, it was the blankly intense look that he was giving me that was unnerving.

"I'm not trying to control you. Maybe I wanted to when I first met you. Because what alpha doesn't enjoy taming a wild wolf like yourself?" He said, putting one knee on the bed and leaning in to brush his lips against my ear, "but then I realized I love how wild you are. Just as much as I'd love your submission, I love your defiance. I'd love you no matter what you choose to be."

I quickly pushed him off and stood up. God damn him. I don't want to love him. He'll get hurt, I just know he will. We can't be together, alphas are dominant they're everything I hate.

Her Time (Sequel to 'The Rogue And Her Alpha')Where stories live. Discover now