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Our Friendship was magical.

It was one of those friendships that you just knew were meant to last forever. 'Meant to' is the words we should focus on in this sentence. If things had gone the way they were supposed to, Xavier and I would still be friends. Xavier and his mate would be together. I probably would've never left my pack, I would have never met my mate and things would be fine. Mason wouldn't have been a complete psycho.

And I wouldn't be dying.

The doctors won't be able to find anything wrong with me. I'm a werewolf, I came in here today because I thought I caught some human disease. But now I know what's happening. My wolf is dying and my human body can't handle itself on its own. Once my wolf is dead part of me won't function correctly and I will die. A part of me will literally die.

And now as I lay here, with my wolf dying I can't help but to think about my old life. About my life before I was a rogue...

"Valentina!" I turned to see my two best friends running up to me with huge smiles.

"Xavier! Samantha!" They both laughed as they made their way over to me and I couldn't stop the smile it brought to my lips.

I had always rooted for them as a couple. Sadly Samantha was stuck on some asshole and Xavier was stuck on some mystery girl. He never told us her name but I bet she's beautiful. I mean she has Xavier swooning over her, I doubt she'll be able to resist him for long. As for Samantha, I really hope she finds someone who worships her and doesn't treat her like a piece of shit.

"Let me guess, you guys aced your finals."

"Even better! The alpha has requested your presence at the pack meeting today. Apparently your parents have decided to transfer to our pack," Samantha practically screeched enthusiastically.

Xavier chuckled next to her and I rolled my eyes,"I doubt your alpha wants us in his pack."

"He actually requested to meet you and your parents as soon as your alpha agrees to the change," Xavier replied, making me look at him in surprise.

What in the world does their alpha want to discuss with us before we join his pack?


The moment I laid eyes on Alpha Mason, I knew he could cause me severe pain. At first I was oblivious to his leering gazes. To the way his hugs would last too long, the way he'd squeeze me a little to tight, the way he'd brush up against me at every chance he got. Xavier noticed these little things and one day while we were having lunch in the school cafeteria he decided to comment on it.

I remember the look of worry Xavier had when he noticed the alpha hidden by some trees outside, watching me. I remember his soft tone, the concern in his eyes when he said," I don't like the way he looks at you Val."

"What do you mean?" I asked him quietly, breaking eye contact with Mason.

"You're not his mate, right?"

I frowned, looking down at my sandwich and pulling out a piece of lettuce stuck between my teeth. Before Xavier could ask me again, I shook my head no. At the time I had also been oblivious to the sigh of relief that escaped Xavier's mouth.

Her Time (Sequel to 'The Rogue And Her Alpha')Where stories live. Discover now