16. EVIL

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"You're going to have to talk to one of us at some point Val," Samantha huffed as she banged her fist on the door to my old bedroom.

Everything was exactly as I had left it, years ago. When Mason forced me to move in with him. I remember a time when Mason tried to make me love him. He'd pamper me, treat me better than everyone else and buy me anything I wanted. He didn't know what true love was.

No one ever taught him or showed him compassion. Not even his own family, as he was found a new born outside the perimeter of The packs border. From what I'd heard he'd never met his mate. The pack alpha raised him, since his wife had passed and he didn't have children, he needed an heir. Mason was that heir, but people said his father was cruel and showed him no affection.

By raping me he thought eventually I'd fall in love with him. He was a sick fuck, there's no denying that. But the traumatizing things he had to live through from such a young age played a huge part in making him that way.

So what could make a witch so horrible, that she'd curse an innocent man?

What did she have against me? Because I highly doubt she'd curse Xavier just to spite him. No, this is an act against me. Whoever this witch is, she hates my guts. She wants me to suffer.

But why?

My thoughts strayed far back to the buried memories of my past. To the family that I unintentionally murdered. My eyes glistened with un shed tears as I remembered the bright blue eyes of the mother, the golden brown eyes of the father and the adorable dimples of their beautiful daughter. I was the reason they were killed.

Could someone want revenge for what happened to them?

Mason was the one who murdered them, but I was the reason. Since Mason is dead, maybe I'm this persons last chance at revenge. A part of me feels like I deserve this. Like I should die to save Xavier. Because none of this is his fault. If this person wants revenge, I wouldn't blame them.

The person who did this hates me, not him. He deserves to live and be happy.

"Valentina, open this door or I will break it," my eyes widened when I realized it was Jaces voice that was threatening to harm my perfectly good door.


With that said I opened the window of the room and swiftly jumped out. He can break my door, I just won't be there waiting for him. A sly smirk slid across my face at my own cleverness. The sly smirk slipped off of my face when I felt my body land in familiar arms.

He's always ten steps ahead of me damn it.

"Now, lets take a walk shall we?" He said, with a grin on his face.

Stupid boy, this is no happy matter.

"What happened back there?" I asked him, while flinging pebbles into the pond we were in front of.

He looked at me quizzically, "shouldn't I be asking you that?"

I rolled my eyes at him and sat down in front of him.

"Don't you think if I knew, I wouldn't have ran away?" I asked him, making sure he could see in my expression that I thought he was an idiot.

"Has anything like this ever happened before?" His question left me questioning my entire existence.

All those time a book fell off a shelf or a pencil slipped off of a desk, were they all my fault? Did I do that and not even realize it?

"I was able to disobey an alpha command once," I mumbled as the memory resurfaced, "Mason was announcing to the pack that I would be becoming Luna. By then I had already been living with him for months, but when he said he was going to mark me and make me his Luna," my fists clenched at the thought, "I snapped and I was able to free myself of the pack and of him when I disobeyed him. I always wondered why or how I was able to do that. But I never thought it was such a big deal. You know, you'd think if I had special powers they would have surfaced a long time ago, right?"

Her Time (Sequel to 'The Rogue And Her Alpha')Where stories live. Discover now