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The witches fled immediately after they told Jace and I the news. It was no surprise to me, considering the look of fury that Jace shot the witches. Jace's eyes conveyed that he was ready to kill the messenger—or in this case messengers. I quietly turned to him, not wanting to anger the beast even more.

"Jace, I-" I was silenced by the table being flung at the front door.

Only seconds later Jace literally swept me off my feet and carried me all the way to our bedroom. I didn't bother struggling as from past experience I knew how this would end. His breathing was ragged as he threw me onto the bed and let out a breath of frustration. I continued watching him in silence, he looked at me and before I had time to react his lips were upon mine. It wasn't as rough as the usual kisses we'd given each other. It was soft and passionate, yet all of his frustration was released through the kiss. The fact that he was so afraid of losing me really got to me. I didn't know how to feel about that.

"Jace stop. Okay you're angry I know that, I understand but stop it and just talk to me already!"

"What? There isn't anything to talk about. You are mine and as long as you are bound to me I will not allow you to sacrifice yourself for him. No matter how guilty you feel about whatever the fucks wrong with him."

With a growl I stood up and pushed him against the wall.

"I am done. If you continue to act like a sexist pig who thinks women don't get a say in anything, I will do something to hurt me and I know for a fact that what hurts me hurts you. Do you want to wake up to me dead in a river?" I whispered, sending him a glare full of malice.

Deep down I knew I'd never do that, not when I have Jace Jr. To care for. I would never hurt him like that. But Jace needs to get it into his thick skull that we are equals. What is it with male wolves assuming they're the bosses of us women? As if being The Rogue  was an easy title to acquire. I was forced to give up that stupid title for this stupid guy.

And for what? So that he could kidnap me, impregnate me, lose me, find me, lose me again, find me again and then kidnap me for the second time? I could understand his anger, I'm his mate and at the moment his wolf senses a threat. Who knows who the threat is, but the point is me dying is the only way to save Xavier and Jace—unfortunately—knows me pretty well. He knows that I won't be able to live with myself, knowing that because of me Xavier is mentally ill.

But he also knows that I wouldn't leave my child motherless. There has to be another way to save Xavier. Jace must know other witches, other people. Someone somewhere has to know how to cure Xavier.

"I know what we have to do."

The stars were gleaming tonight, that must be a good sign. We were about a days away from our destination. Jace Jr. Was left with Jack, who promised to take good care of him while we were away. I would've preferred doing this trip on my own, but of course Jace has zero trust in me. I honestly don't blame him for that, but obviously I wouldn't try to escape without my baby.

"That shit about not trusting me was all just a lie right?" I whispered, with a scoff as I turned in my seat to look at him. He looked at me, a confused expression appearing on his beautiful face. The driver couldn't hear us speaking since he was human and Jace had put up the window thing. I crossed my arms and shifted slightly in my seat as Jace scooted closer,"you're here because you think I can't protect myself!"

He smirked, before letting out a thoughtful laugh,"oh no, I know who you are Valentina. I've heard the stories of the infamous rogues adventures. I came with you, because I don't want you going anywhere near any unmated males, when I'm not present."

This time, a devious smile graced my own features,"you can't be with me every second of every day Jace. Who knows how many unmated males I can find and fuck while you use the restroom or go off somewhere to do something? Who knows how many unmated males I have already kissed, since you lost me?" With a feeling of triumph I turned away from him and focused on the street lamps and the homeless people we'd pass.

Only seconds after I had turned away, Jace's hand wrapped itself around my wrist and yanked me forward roughly. He leaned in and glared at me. As much as I loved making him angry, from the look on his face this time I had crossed a serious line. He believed me, I thought incredulously. He actually thinks I'll fuck some random guy while he uses the restroom?

"I have had enough of you and your childish games Valentina. The only man you will fuck is me," he growled leaning even closer," and if you ever use such crude words in my presence I swear to god Valentina. I will punish you, I don't care how angry you are. You are my mate and I'm done playing, I want you," he whispered lustfully biting on my earlobe," sooner or later you will submit to me. Your disobedience is angering me more and more every day. I will not tolerate it any longer."

I growled at Jace, before pulling away from him and scoot as close to the window as possible. Tears of anger built up in my eyes, but I refused to let them spill. If he wanted to be a dick, fine, but I won't give him the satisfaction of knowing he hurt me. I felt him get closer, but I didn't acknowledge him. He's right, these childish games are getting old.

We need to end this, I just wish he would understand that. We're toxic, we shouldn't be together. I let out a small sigh and leaned my head against the cold window. Jace said we were going to stop at a hotel to get some rest soon. So instead of falling asleep I decided to just glare out the window instead.

"Valentina, I don't want you to be angry with me," he murmured, his body pressed up against my back. The breath was knocked out of me when he started kissing down my neck. His arms caressed every sensitive spot they could find. Without thinking, I gave in. His hands gripped the back of my head tightly as I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him.

Our lips mashed together, tongues fighting for dominance. Every part of my body was on fire, it had been way too long. Only my mate could make me feel like this. His hands gripped me so tightly, as if he was afraid I'd run away at any moment. By the way he kissed me, i could tell he was savoring this moment. And the thought alone made me smile as we kissed.

What harm can having sex with Jace do, anyway?

Her Time (Sequel to 'The Rogue And Her Alpha')Where stories live. Discover now