Chapter 1

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Teen wolf

"Get your lazy ass out of bed. Mom left for work so If you want a ride you've got half an hour to get ready or I'm gone." Taylor yelled from the bottom of the stairs. He has such a way with words. I threw off my covers, got out of bed, quickly got showered and changed into my clothes. Black shorts and a plain black tee along with my black knee high converse. Not the most glamourous outfit for the first day at a new school but I don't care that much. Its not like I want to be a cheerleader or anything.

I ran down the stairs as I brushed my long chocolate brown hair. Taylor was sitting at the dinner table eating a piece of toast.

"5 minutes to spare for breakfast. That's a new record for you." he said with his mouth half full. I just walked over and took the other bit of toast from his plate.

"dude. My plate, my food."

"dude. Your food, my stomach." I said eating the last of the toast and picking up my bag. He rolled his eyes at me and grabbed his keys and backpack. I walked out of the door and to his truck pretty pleased with myself and how amazing I am at annoying my brother. Apparently me and Taylor looked a lot alike but that's to be expected when your twins and sadly our personalities can be pretty similar at times. We liked the same music and were into some of the same movies but he was more sporty than me. He had planned to try out for the lacrosse team if we didn't move again before he gets the chance. This is my third school this year and it's the end of October. My mom doesnt say why we're moving but me and Taylor think it's because of our dad. He went to jail when me and Taylor were younger but my mom refuses to talk about it. Taylor took one of the letters that he sent but he hid it somewhere so I couldn't see it.

I got into the passenger seat and turned on the Cd just as Taylor got in. We both sat singing along to nickelback as he drove. We pulled up to beacon hills high but we couldn't see any parking spots.

"There's one" I pointed to the only spot I'd seen so far. Just as he went to park there a jeep cut in and stole our spot. Taylor put down his window as the two guys got out of the car.

"what the hell." he yelled out the window.

"there's a spot further round." said the driver. He was kinda cute. He had a buzzcut which isn't my usual type. I could see that Taylor was super pissed at the two guys.

"Taylor, drive or well be late." he growled quietly and kept driving. He had a bit of a temper. Probably got it off my dad. My mom had a gentle touch. She was starting work at the hospital today as a nurse.

Taylor parked the car and walked to the reception with me so we could both get our class schedule and locker combo and so on. We quickly gathered the stuff and went to find our lockers. We had second period together but I didn't have a clue how to get to first period never mind the second. I must have been walking about like a lost puppy looking for my locker when a girl with long dark hair came over.

"hey are you okay? I've seen you walk past like five times." she asked laughing a little but I did too.

"yeah I'm new and I'm kind of lost. Could you maybe help me find my locker?" I wasn't used to asking for help. Beacon hills was a much bigger school than my other schools. The girl took one of the sheets from the bundle I was holding.

"I was going that way. Come on." she led me further down the hall and pointed to one of the lockers. It was slightly embarrassing since I'd passed it at least twice.

"whats your first period." she asked as I put my bag in to my locker.


"STILES." she yelled across the hall at someone. The driver of the jeep from the parking lot came over and stood next to us.

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