Chapter 37- Beach with Aka & Sushi

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"How was the movie with Blondie?" Akashi asked as I entered the house.

"Well, I barely watched anything because fan-girls were all over him," I stated, "but the parts I did manage to watch were awesome! Where're your parents?"

"Business trip," he stated, "there's pizza on the counter."

"Cool, I'm starving." I announced, going to the kitchen (I was real proud for not getting lost) and taking the four pieces that were left. I wasn't sure if I'll be able to finish it, but meh.

I went to the living room and sat next to Akashi, half afraid of asking him about us.

So I simply took off the crust  and started eating the pizza. Half-way through my first piece, Akashi sat down the book and turned on the TV. He seemed bored, changing the channel every few moments.

A certain pink starfish caught my eyes, and amazingly enough I snatched the remote away from Akashi, going back to Spongebob Squarepants.

"You watch that?"

"It's my favorite," I stated, shrugging. "Oh, I met Atsushi at the bus."

"I know, he called."


"We're going to the beach tomorrow."

"What?" I asked, turning away from Mr. Krabs who was laughing.

"You, me and Atsushi are going to the beach tomorrow with few family relatives of mine."

"Uh." I blinked, "okay,"

"You eating that?" he asked, pointing at the crusts. I shook my head, and he quickly took a bite. "you should pack."


Thirteen hours later, Atsushi, Akashi and I were all standing at the entrance of the house.

"All ready to go?" Akashi asked.

"Hell yeah!" I screamed, throwing my fist in the air.

There were few moments of silence.

"You're way too pumped."


Akashi stared at us strangely as I started giggling, and Atsushi chuckled.

 "TO THE BUS!" I announced.

I was really excited because I love the beach- not in a matter of entering the, seeing as I don't know how to swim, or the sand; because I fucking hated the sand, especially when it's hot and it's freaking impossible to walk without shoes, but because it's the beach the shows are open and with every step your feet are drowning in sand.

No, I loved the beach because the sea was independent and blue and perfect.

And I really did think I won't be able to sleep, just like last night, but I ended up falling asleep we sat in the last seats, where it's a row when the seats are next to each other) and in a random point there was a bump and I fell to Atsushi's shoulder who was too busy with eating to notice me.

Long story short: my hair was a freaking snacks boffa by the end of the ride, and if I may add; Atsushi woke me up rather harshly, by flicking my forehead.

"Damn it!" I whined, trying to get some crumbs off. "Atsushi, stop eating over my head!" I called as he kept eating, his head towering above mine and a random Pocky crumb hitting my hair.

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