Chapter 32- Wanna Make Bets on How Long till I lose Count Again?

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When I woke up, I noticed one thing; the surface I was laying on was... more floor-y than bed-y.

My eyes snapped open only when I felt a breathe on my face.


"Meooooooow," she purred, climbing to sit on top of my head. Unlike when I found her, she was almost a fully grown cat, and Kise must've fed her too much, because she was damn heavy.

After few moments her weight was suddenly taken off my head. I rolled, coming face- to- legs with Kise Ryouta.

"Kise?" I wondered.

"Hi Mai!" He smiled widely, "I heard you are moving to America, so I wanted to cry, but then some guy that lives across from you told me you got an arrangement so you're staying in Japan." He paused, taking a deep breath. "SO I DROPPED BY TO SAY HI!"

"YAY!" I called, standing up. Black dots filled my vision for a moment, but quickly disappeared. "Lemme brush my teeth and I'll hug you."

"Ok." he smiled, straightening his blue T-shirt. I rushed to the bathroom and took the toothpaste and toothbrush, applied  the tooth paste to the tooth- brush and then brushed my teeth.

I suppose you are all familiar with this actions, but just in case.

You never know.

When I was done (I also peed. In the toilet. Not somewhere else. I have disturbing thoughts today.) I opened the bathroom door and saw Kise tickling Angel's stomach. She didn't seem affected as a human, but it looked like she enjoyed it.

"She really likes you," I stated, only half- sad my cat has abandoned me.

Kise looked up to me, smiling. Not a wide smile, but a small smile that held slight sadness.

"Yeah, I love her too," he sighed. "You know, when I heard you were leaving I was really quite devastated."

"How come?"

"You are literally the only girl friend I have ever had." He exclaimed, "everyone else are freaking fan girls!"

I laughed, "most guys would kill to be in your shoes."

"But not Akashi," he stated, making me freeze. 

Right, he knew.

"He told me he likes me and then ignored me even though we were together for a whole day."

Kise frowned.


"MAI! HOTTIE!" I heard my Mom's voice, and couldn't help but blush. She just had to embarrass me, didn't she? "LUNCH IS READY!"

"Lunch?" I asked, "I woke up ten seconds ago."

"Yeah," Kise said, taking out his phone, "but it's two p.m.," he continued, shoving the phone in front of my eyes. My face lit up as I snatched it from him.

I tapped on the phone until I reached the unread message.

"Dear Ryouta- senpai," I read out-loud. "You may know me from Elementry School. I liked you since the first day I have seen you. You are so cool and stoic-" I broke down laughing at that.

"You are anything but cool, Kise- kun!"

He puffed out his cheek in anger, snatching the phone away from me. "She offered me to be her boyfriend few times before. But we are barely fourteen! I don't want a girlfriend! I want to be free!"

I sighed. 

"Let's go eat lunch," I offered. "It is the last meal to be eaten by us in this house."

Kise stood up, Angel following him. He offered me a hand and helped me up, and the three of us walked into the kitchen.

"Burgers!" My mom said happily, handing each of us two, keeping three to herself.

"Uh, mom, isn't it too mu-"

"ITADAKIMASU!" She simply called, shoving the burger into her mouth.

Kise smiled at me, before digging in. I sighed, cutting a piece from mine and popping it into my mouth.

"Who wants Ketchup?" I asked and Kise raised his hand and Angel meowed. 

Kise glanced at my Mom, and probably saw she was too busy to notice anything, he "dropped" half of his burger to the floor, and Angel started eating  it.

I sweat-dropped, taking the Ketchup out of the mostly- empty fridge. Those two found each other.

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