I totally lost count- I don't have a funny name

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Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,

         Humpty Dumpty had a



                                      All the king's horses and all the king's men

Couldn't put Humpty 

                                 together again.

I sighed. I locked my room's door and for a while now I heard no knocks.

I was given up on.

It felt weird.

I was actually freezing because the window was open, but I couldn't bring myself to get up from my semi- comfortable position I achieved leaning on the door.

Not closing the window turned out to be a mistake when an owl flew into my room, and as an even bigger mistake when a certain red head climbed in.

"Damn fire stairs," I huffed, glaring.

Akashi stared at me for a moment, before walking closer and sitting in front of me.

"What?" I snapped. It was not like me, snapping. Especially at Akashi.

He sighed, scooting closer and dragging me into a hug. At first I felt myself tensing up, but his heartbeat calmed me down and my arms slowly, hesitatingly wrapped around him as my head remained buried in his chest.

I could get used to this, I realized, snuggling even closer. His chuckle rumbled in his chest, and I suddenly felt embarrassment flushing through me.

"What?" I asked lowly.

"It's just that it's nice to see you're okay again," I looked up at his red eyes, confused. "I don't like seeing you sad. It feels weird in my chest."

That sounded weird. Akashi was acting weird.

"Why did you say you like me?"

"Because I do."


"Just because." Akashi stayed silent for a moment, arms still around me. "I should've said it earlier, when you told me. But I couldn't."

"I never expected you to reply to that," I confessed. "I didn't even plan on telling you. I just blurted it out without thinking."

He stroked my hair gently. "So are you moving in with me?"

"Yeah, I think I'll finally give my mom her happiness."

We stayed silent for a while, still hugging each other. It didn't became awkward or weird and it was comforting, more than anything. His heart beat lulled me to sleep.

"Why do you like me?" he eventually asked.

I half smiled into his chest, already half-asleep. "Just because."



please watch the movie to the side. It's amazing and reflects pretty well the problem with being anything but Straight. I may not be a Transexual, but it really bothers me when people have to hide their true self because of someone else.

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