Chapter 43- OMG LIKE WTF

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"SWINGING THERE AND SWINGING HERE, LOOK AT ME SWINGING IN THE SWING!" I sang loudly to myself at ten p.m., while swinging on the swing.

I liked that song, I should write it down and publish it.

I'll get shit- load of money and buy Akashi's house. That way I can kick him out and be queen.

Hold on... I think I skipped one level in this plan.

Oh yeah, how do I publish the song?

I got another text, so I checked who was it from; Daiki.


I decided to check the two texts he sent me that day.

The first one was from five p.m., meaning that I've been wandering around for five hours and still hadn't been raped\ murdered.

I think I'm safe then.

Anyway, back to the text.

Mai, sorry for playing Zombie games without you, got lonely. Don't hate me or I'll make you hate me.

I laughed, idiot.

The second text, from minutes earlier was different however.

Mai, Atsushi told me about what happened. Tell me where you are, I'm coming. Please answer this time. I kinda love you and you're kinda my best friend ever. Also, please delete this text right away.

I smiled slightly at him, he is my best friend for a reason. It wouldn't be fair to ignore him for all rest of eternity just because he betrayed the very foundation of our friendship.

Wait... Maybe it would actually be fair.

I sighed, realizing that he had a point in his text. Being all alone out there at night isn't a good idea.

I typed in a familiar number in my phone and waited for him to pick up.


"My mom is totally okay with you staying with us for a while, I didn't mention anything further because... well, I didn't want to push it before she actually knew you," Toya laughed awkwardly, carrying half of my bags.

"It's okay, I'm not sure how long I'll stay," I bit my lips, "but I'm not planning on staying too long."

"It's okay," he soothed me, "you can stay as long as you need. At the worst scenario, my older brother has an apartment few streets away and he's been offering me to live with him forever."

"I wouldn't want to be a burden," I told him, biting my lip.

"It's okay," Toya repeated, "oh, here's my house," Toya smiled, pointing at a private house.

Were me and Daiki the only people in Japan to live in an apartment building?

"Your house is big," I noted, awed. "And the garden is beautiful," I complimented as we got closer, and out of nowhere popped a female-Toya.

"Thank you!" she cheered, smiling. 

Looking at her closely, she too had blue eyes, but a slightly different shade from Toya's. Her hair was the same black as her son's.

"Mai, this is my Mom," Toya said, giving me a crooked grin, "Mom- this is Mai."

"She's prettier than I thought!" Toya's mom cheered. "Doesn't look like a slut," she whispered to Toya, making my face go red.


"Mom, I told you," Toya whispered- whined, "she's one of my best friends, and she just needed a place to stay for a while. It's not... Anything else."

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