Chapter 44- First Ice Cream

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Ice cream were big deal for me.

I couldn't let anyone buy me ice cream unless I really trusted them (my brain is really weird, because I'd let people sleep in my house sooner than letting them buy me ice cream) so it was really weird when Kaito offered me ice cream and I agreed happily.

So we were eating ice cream, and I was pinching myself every few moments because God damn it, my father was dead.

"How's your ice-cream?" 

"Yummy," I replied, "yours?" he nodded.

I started writing Can You Feel The Awkwardness Tonight in my head, which was basically just Lion King's Can You Feel The Love Tonight just... awkwarder.

Every few seconds I would cast him a glance and awkwardly enough our eyes met after a while of doing so.

"So, uh," he cleared his throat, "how's life?"

"Great," I replied bashfully, "I just recently found out my dead father isn't dead."

He chuckled, but said nothing more. 

Neither did I.

God damn it.

"So you took off before I was born," I finally said as I finished the ice cream. He raised his eyes to me, and I realized how much I look like him.

Well, that explains why mom hates looking at me.

"Yes," he admitted. "I know I can't justify it, but I didn't even know you were born."

"Yeah," I answer, starting at the ground. 

"Listen, Mai," he hesitated for just a second, "you're... you're my kid. I know you are; and that is enugh for me to love you. And even if I am not blood-father for Toya I need you to know that he is my son too-"

"What's your point?" I cut him off rudely, feeling like a puppy that just got kicked.

"You need to understand that I can't..." he stopped again, sighing deeply.

Dude, fuck off.

"I can't give up my family for you," he continued. "I know Rin and she's hurt by it. I want to know you- I do." Kaito sighed, leaning deeper into the bench. "But I don't want to lose my family for it; I truly love them. So once we get back I want all of us to talk without the fear of hurting each other for once." I raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to continue. "I just want to tell you that if Rin is feeling too bad about it I won't... I would prefer if you'd leave and we'd keep in touch outside of home."

I stared at him for a minute, blinking every once in a while before a small smile spread on my lips.

"I hate you," I said truthfully, "I do, but you're a great man."

He looked at me strangely, before giving me half a smile, "I am quarter flattered and mostly offended by the fact my daughter hates me."

I rolled my eyes. "You'll get over it, I will probably get over it as well."


We were five minutes of silence into the talk.

Pardon, THE TALK.

Masaru, Toya's older brother, and Takahiro, Toya's half brother and the only biological son of Kaito, joined the conversation despite the fact that Masaru lived outside of the house and that Takahiro wasn't even ten.

It started with Kaito explaining the stuff that happened before I was born. He didn't go into details, simply saying that he met a woman that he loved and she got pregnant. He was in cloud nine and she was calling the hospital, checking about an abortion.

Then he took off, not willing to live with a woman that doesn't want family. After few years he met Rin and from there the story is pretty much known.

Then he sat down, and looked at me and Toya (we were sitting next to each other and he was resting his hand on top of mine reassuringly. He let me know before the talk started the he'll stick up to me anyway and if I do end up out of the house he'll help me).  Toya stood up, sighing, telling them how met and what circumstances led me to sit there that day.

At the mention of my affection to soccer, Kaito's eyes lit up and at the mention of Akashi both his and my face fell. I hated this guy at that moment and he was probably the normal kind of overprotective father that would kill the boyfriend.

Realizing that, I blushed. It was weird how different Kaito was from the person my mother was.

Once Toya finished explaining and sat down, silence settled in and for 5 minutes no one spoke up.

No one, until Takahiro. "What's the problem then?"

"Yeah," Masaru agreed, "mom, you knew dad had a history before marrying him. It's not like he cheated on you or anything."

Which was true.

I was born before Rin even met Kaito.

"If anyone should grudge, it's this kid," Masaru continued, gesturing at me.

And then, I was the center of attention.

"I really don't think that's the case," I replied bashfully. "I do realize I might be a burden and change your life-style." I paused, looking at Toya for some kind of support. "I wouldn't want that. I am not going to stop being friends with Toya and if I could--" I looked between Kaito and Rin, "I'd like to know my father. But if due to the recently found information you'd like me to stay elsewhere, I would leave right away."


Rin seemed to be hesitating to say anything and Kaito was looking at the floor.

Masaru and Toya were staring at each other, maybe having a weird brothers talk or just staring at each other.

Takahiro was silent.

"Isn't she my sister though?" the boy asked, looking at me with a slightly darker blue eyes than mine.

"Well, yeah," Masaru said. "She is your sister, but not ours." He gestured at himself and Toya.

"But you are my brothers," Takahiro stated, confused.

"Well yeah," Masaru said again, "but we don't have the same father as you do, we just have the same mother."

Takahiro paused again. "But I have the same father as Mai does," he said, using my name for the first time. 

"He's right," Rin replied. "Kaito took you as his without a second of doubting and he has nothing to do with you. It's..." she paused, "it's only fair of me to accept Mai. Besides," she smiled, looking at me. "I was willing to let you stay before, I guess it won't be fair to change it now."

I looked around. None of the family even glanced my way, as though they were deciding my fate by a silent argument.

Takahiro stood up, before walking to me and tugging at my hand. "Let's play Fifa!"

I looked at Toya, confused. He was laughing with Masaru, and Masaru turned to me. He looked like Toya in his face, but his hair was light brown and his eyes green.

"Welcome to the family, Mai," he laughed again, "have fun with Taka."

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