Chapter 12- Right Back At Trolling Again

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Tears streamed down my face as I watched Miracles In December by Exo, can't even handle the perfectness.

"MAI!" My mother's voice scraemed, as I heard pounding on the door.




"OPEN!" I sighed yet again, walking to the door slowly.

"Sup mom?"

"Nothing," she said quickly. Too quickly. "Sorry, but is there any chance you're going out for a while?" She asked, and I gaped at her.


Oh, she's serious! I realized after two minutes.

"Um, yeah, sure."

I changed into black shorts shorts and a t-shirt that didn't talk about my (nonexistence) boobs, put my good ol' black Allstars and left the house.

I kinda wandered for a while, thinking about how to stay in school, winding up next to a football field.

There was a kid there, looking quite skilled, but with no one to practice with.

So I did the only thing I could do- I walked up to him.

"Yo," I greeted, smiling.

"Hey...?" He replied hesitatingly. "Do I know you?"

"Nope." I smiled, and his torquise eyes showed confusion. I laughed, "let's play."

He laughed this time, running a hand through his black hair. "Wait, you serious?"

"Yeah." I put my hair up in a messy bun, "I'm offence, you defence." I stated, and he went to stand at the gate, looking highly amused by my actions.

I was ready to crush that too pale looking kid.


"That jump in mid-air you did," the kid panted, "wow. You legitmately did a flipback and managed to kick the ball. What the fuck? Where did you learn it?"

"Dunno." I shrugged, sipping from his bottle, 'it was always something I could do at the field."

"What school are you going to?" He asked, not even knowing my name.

"Teiko mid- school... Though chances are that I'm gonna get kicked out soon enough."

"Oh, you a mid- school student?" He seemed surprised, "with that skills, I figured you're in highschool."

"You?" I asked, handing him his bottle back.

"Yosen- High School." I nodded.

"What year?"

"First," he grinned, "you?"

"First too," I sighed.

"Oh!" He facepalmed, "My name is Toya." He shook my hand, "Toya Kita."

"Mai Kurosaki," I laughed  at how long it took us to realize we don't know each other names.

"Well, Mai," I raised an eyebrow at how fast he called me in my first name without even adding a nickname. "Fine, Kurosaki- chan, It was pleasure meeting you. I hope to see you again sometime."

"Right back at ya," I grinned crookedly, wondering where the hell is Yosen.

I literally never heard of it.

"Mai!" I heard a shout, and I saw Akashi walking towards me.

"Akashi- san!" I smiled, internally fangirling and screaming and blushing.  "What are you doing here? It's literally miles from your home," I said, realizing I don't really know where he was living, "and late."

"I'm going, bye." Toya said, patting my head.

"Actually, practice just finished twenty minutes ago." Akashi replied, glaring at Toya's back.

"Oh." I furrowed my eyebrows, then shrugged it off, smiling. "But what are you doing here?"

"Your mother somehow got Shintaro's phone number, called him and asked one of us to keep you busy until tomorrow, and not let you come home."

I furrowed my eyebrow. What the fuck-

"Akashi- san, what's the date?"

"December tenth." He replied after a moment of thought.

"OH SHIT!" I accidently shouted, and quickly covered my mouth. "Shit, shit, shit, shit." I paced back and forth.

I forgot.

I actually, legitmately forgot.

I fucking forgot.

My dad died exactly 13 years ago.

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