Chapter 42- Butt-Hole and Traitors.

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I was pissed, and even more when I realized Akashi was ignoring me all together.


"Mai," Atsushi whined, "I'm hungry."

At the moment, we were on the bus on the way back home. Or Akashi's, and then Atsushi will go home the next day.

Weird shit.

Anyway, we were on the bus and Atsushi was hungry because he finished all of the snacks in the fifty minute drive we've had already.

Just two more hours to go then!


Note the sarcasm, my friend.

"I don't have any food," I snapped.

"But I'm hungry."

"Me too," I said, still angry. Suddenly, an idea popped in my head. "Atsushi! I've got an idea!" I exclaimed excitedly. Akashi seemed to be familiar with this tone and gave me a look, that I ignored. 

"Hm?" Atsushi asked, "will it get me food?"

"Yup!" I said happily. "You open the window casually now, and in a few minutes we scream 'UH! LEPRECHAUNS!' and jump out of it."

"Won't it be kinda dangerous because we are driving kinda fast?"

"Yeah, but..." I paused, "I'll go bug the driver and when he is too deep in argument I'll scream "Uh! A coyote!' and he'll slow down. Then we can jump."

Atsushi paused, thinking the plan through.

"Smart plan." he finally concluded.

I smiled proudly when Akashi suddenly decided to notice us again.

"It's a really stupid plan, and besides; we're stopping at a gas station in ten minutes."

"Oh," we both stated sadly. "If you think your plan is better, fine then," I snapped.

"Jesus Mai," Akashi sighed, and I was too mad to even reply.

That fucking butt-hole.


I got a text.

It was from Daiki, but I didn't care enough to check it.

Well, if Akashi wouldn't have broken up with me and tell me to get out of his house, maybe I would've cared enough, but Akashi did, so I didn't care.

Also, Atsushi just stood by and took Akashi's side eventually.

Oh, hold on. I think you're missing something.

So the whole bus- ride we just insulted each other or ignored each other because he was pissed at the fact that I woke him up at the middle of the night and then disappeared and I was pissed because my luck is just perfect.

So when we finally got to Akashi's house we were a second from murdering each other, and I really needed my space so I wanted to run to my room but that fucking butt- hole wouldn't let me, so he grabbed my arm and left a bruise.


He just kept yelling at me, and because I tried not to cry and show him how much his words hurt I just bottled it up until it finally exploded all over and I screamed back.

I was pleased to find out my voice is kind of very loud when I need it to be.

Anyway, when I finally stopped screaming he seemed as if he stopped feeling.

Finally, he just whispered "get out of my house. We're over."

And then I went up to my room and packed my stuff, and just then- Daiki texted me.

And again; I didn't care enough to check.

Fortunately, between moving here and the vacation I never really gotten to unpacking my stuff, so it took me just few minutes. I quickly threw my stuff over my shoulder and stormed down the stairs.

"Mai--" Atsushi started, trying to grab my arm but I tugged it away. "Hold on, he didn't mean it, the two of you were just angry."

I didn't reply, still walking to the door.

That house was too damn big.

"Mai!" Atsushi called again, and I finally reached the door.

Swinging it open, I stepped out, and kept walking to the gates.

I didn't hear footsteps behind me, and my heart went heavy with the mixture of relief and sadness.

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