Chapter 22- Finally.

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Panic again.

 That what went through Aomine Daiki's mind and face as he opened the door to his friend's house and saw the pink haired girl sitting on the floor, surrounded by shattered glass.

"Mai?" He asked, his voice ringing through her numb ears.

That was it, wasn't it?

"Daiki," she managed to choke out, tears staining her cheeks.

"Wh- Mai! Why are you--" He tried walking closer, but realized he was barefoot and the floor was full of glass shards. It hit him a moment too late, "Mai, your legs..." He trailed off, realizing something is probably really wrong with her.

He looked around, spotting her cellphone, sitting next to her bag. He opened it, and called the first number in the contact list, praying to God it's not voice mail.

"Yes Mai?" Asked the familiar voice of Akashi Seijurou, making relief surge through Daiki's whole body.

"Akashi! I really need someone to come over to Mai's house-"

"Atsushi and I are pretty close by." Akashi replied, his voice getting an edge to it. "We'll be there soon."

Daiki let himself walk out of the house quickly to get some shoes to wear so he would be able to walk without getting hurt.

"Mai," he tried again, supporting her, but no getting her to stand up.

"I do- don't want to- to move a-" Daiki shook his head.

"Mai, it's for the best." He tried, not understanding why her eyes are looking ever more defeated by those words.

Almost tem minutes later, Daiki still couldn't make Mai move away nor understand what brought her to that state.

"Daiki?" Akashi's voice brought Daiki out of his hopeless state.

"Akashi!" He claimed, surprised, "thanks God,"  he soon recovered, "Mai is going through some kind of a mental breakdown... Or something."

Atsushi and Akashi blinked, confused, but Akashi pushed through and came to face the pink haired, that her cry subtle, and all that was left are the swollen eyes and shaky breaths.

"Mai.' His voice commanded softly, and her blue eyes looked up.

"Akashi," her voice hoarsely uttered.

"Hello," he replied, stepping on glasses on his way to her. He crouched when he was only inches from her, and he smiled softly at her.

"Finally," Atsushi muttered, and Daiki looked at him, surprised.


"Love," Atsushi started, "is a very strong sensation."

"What happened?" Akashi asked softly, as he looked at Mai's bruised and bleeding knees.

He grimaced, it will leave scars.

"I- We're moving to America," Mai whispered, as though guilty.

Akashi's head snapped up to her eye level again, his hand was still on her knee though with the towel  he used to wipe the blood, "what?!"

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