Chapter 6- SPILL IT BRO

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Shintaro looked at me.

For seven minutes straight.

I doubt he even blinked.

"GET OVER IT!" I snapped.

"No! How could you forget me? Two of the only three times you  did homework were thanks to me!"

"Eh, you actually did homework once?" Aomine asked, getting comfty on my couch.

"Yeah, it was writing about my dream." Atsushi looked at me, curuisty in his eyes.  "I said I wanna-"

"Oh no," Shintaro sighed.

"Become a football player and kick people's head in excuse I haven't slept much." I said, shooting them a close eyes smile.

Everyone- including Akashi- sweatdropped.

"I expected something normal," Momoi said sadly.

"Why are you all in my house anyway?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No reason really," Aomine shrugged.

"Dai- chan invited all of us to come to his house, but it's too messy," Momoi frowned at him, "So we came to yours!"

"Yay..." I sweatdropped.

The atmosphere is so weird.


"Bye!" I waved at everyone, realizing someone is missing. "Say, where's Ahomine?"

"YOUR BED IS SO COMFTY!" He whined from my, apperently, bed.

I shooed him away, kicking his ass in the progress- literally.

I need to talk to a girl... Who is not Momoi.

I took my phone, looking for one of the oldest numbers.


"Hello? Sakura?" I asked, and I heard my best friend from the third grade laugh.

"Mai! It's been years!"

"I, uh, I need help." She stayed silent, signaling me to go on. "I think I'm falling in love. But I don't want to."

"Spill everything."

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