Chapter 53 [?]- Pooka.

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As I often say, shit always happens. And despite the fact that when I said it, I meant for literal shit, the one that you... Well, shit, realization hit me: Shit always happens, as in, bad luck is everywhere.

In the one single day I didn't bring any other clothes with me except for the simple school's uniform, it decided to rain.

Best part of it was the it was just a light rain when we entered (ran in) the Barber's shop, but when we left it was the freaking Flood.

Forget the fact that my shirt was soaking and practically see-through and that my umberella was broken at the dumpster for the past three years, my skirt was full of mud, because, as I said, shit always happens and I fell down.

I was cold, hungry, had to pee and just parted ways with the one sole good thing in my life.

My hair.

I sighed, irritated by the situation, and ran a hand through the slight hair I had left. What went through my head when I decided on a pixie haircut is beyond me, but there was no taking back.

And I was stuck with the stupid bangs that reached just above my eyes, hiding half of my forehead.

Now I hated my hair. Great.

I kept sitting in the puddle, staring at the gray clouds and waiting for a thunder again and again. Around then a tiny little grayish- brown puppy walked to me, carrying a scarf in his mouth.

"Hello, tiny bud." His tail wiggled in happiness, "what?" he walked to me, rubbing his face on my leg, and I chuckled, putting out my hand for him to sniff, only he decided to rub his head against it. "Don't you have a collar?" I asked, dragging him closer. His neck was clear of collar, but had a mark that looked strangely like dry blood.

A thunder rumbled and he jumped closer to me. Hugging him to my body, I sighed, checking my bag. I had some money.

I picked him up, scrambling to my feet and wrapping the scarf around his body. There was a vet just around the corner and that was my goal.

As I knocked, I heard a gentle "come in" and a loud thunder once more. The dog seemed to find a hiding spot; my armpit. I giggled, racing through many memories before remembering the name of Anastasia's puppy. Pooka.

I put him gently on the ground, and he had a small problem getting away from the scarf but eventually managed to, running into the door.

I opened the door for the confused creature, and in front of me stood a gray haired man with a fluff ball some people call bunny in his hands.

"Hello," he greeted. "Who is that tiny friend?" he questioned, putting the bunny in a cage and crouching to Pooka's eyelevel.

"That's uh, Pooka, I guess." I paused, "I need to check if he has owners or... Well. Yeah."

The vet looked at me for the first time, catching the mud on my clothes.

"Not yours?"

"Just found him," I replied.

"Sit," he gestured to the chair, "let me check some things."

I nodded, ready to either one; saying goodbye to Pooka, or taking him with me.


"Ouch, Pooka," I whined as his claws dug into my arm. He ignored it, climbing in fear onto my shoulder.

I sighed, trembling as a gust of wind passed me. "TOYA!" I called, digging in my bag for the key to the house. I fish it out, opening the door and calling once more. "TOYA!"


"NO," was my simple reply, even though it could.

"WHATEVER, IN AN HOUR," he called back.

I walked to the living room to see him a moment from shoving his tongue down into some blonde chick's throat. He caught a glimpse of me, yelling in fright.

"What the hell happened to you?!" he asked, jumping up.

My eyebrow rose, "uh, well, uh, I'll come back later."

"You cut your hair!" he exclaimed. "And you're full of mud!" he paused, his eyes catching the small head in my armpit. "And you've got a dog?! What the hell?!"

"I also got a boyfriend," I said, and that's-ladies and gentlemen-a quick review of my day. That statement made his face screw in anger.

"No this Akashi dude."

I stayed silent, making him groan.

"I'M KILLING HIM!" He announced, planting a kiss on the blonde's chick cheek. "Sorry for messing our first date."

"No, no, it's okay," I cut in before she could speak. "I'll go to Masaru's place."

Which was a lie.

I'm going to Ahomine.

Before he could speak, I sprint into the bathroom, setting Pooka down. I throw my uniform in the laundry basket and take something warm that seemed decent enough to walk out with.

Pooka sat in the corner as I quickly washed my hair and got rid of the mud. I rushed out, throwing on my clothes as quick as possible so I wouldn't get cold.

Pooka looked up to me as I exited the bathroom, begging for me to pick him up. So I do, but grab his stuff anyway, hoping that the rain would clear away and he could actually walk on the side walk.

I ran all the way to Aomine's house and knocked.

"Welcome back home," Daiki smirked as he opened the door. I smiled back at him.

I really missed home.

The Captain's Girlfriend (Kuroko No Basuke\ Akashi Fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon