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Chapter 15 (UNEDITED)

-Leatham Series-

Tristan's POV

"Dad." I lifted my gaze up from my waffle at him. He was sitting down on the head chair while eating.

"Ya?" He turned his head to me.

"What kind of flower that a girl likes?"

"Do you want to give Keira a flower?" Mom asked who sat down across me. Her voice sounded in a curious tone.

"Ya but I don't know what kind of flower that she likes." I answered. "Any suggestions?"

"You can give her a red rose." Nicolas advised next to me. "Most girls like a rose flower."

"How did you know?" I turned my head to him. "Did you ever give a flower to someone?"

"No, I didn't." He took a big sip on his drink. "I told you that's still an illegal for me. I just ever read a book about that."

"Where's Clover anyway?" Mom asked suddenly. "She's not used to not eating in the morning."

Our attention was distracted with Clover's presence suddenly. Her face and nose were so red much, indicating if she just cried.

"What's going on?" Nicolas asked frantically as she pulled a chair out across him. "Clover? Did you just cry?"

"Mom, Dad..." Her tears fell down again.

"What happened, sweetie?" Dad asked anxiously. "Tell us, sweetie."

"I don't know what should I do right now, Dad." She said while sobbing. "I think I'm gonna die." Her tears was getting heavier all of a sudden.

"No, you're not." Mom instantly wiped her tears, her tone was anxious. "Tell us, please."

She drew her breath from her inhaler deeply as she began to out of breath again.

"Relax, Clover." I said trying to relax her. "Don't be panic, okay?"

She exhaled long sighed and nodded. Her eyes met Mom's. "Mom... my lower region was bloody."


"Let's go to a doctor." Dad instantly got up, making a sound of chair.

"Come on." Nicolas also got up and so I did. Our face were anxious and worried already.

"No need a doctor." Mom got up, looking at us. "I can take it."

"Of course you can, Mom." Nicolas said frantically. "I ever read a book and—"

"Don't trust your book for this time." Mom cut him off, her eyes shifting to me and Nicolas. "Just go to your school and you," She turned her eyes at Dad. "Just go to work, I can take it."

"Are you serious?" Dad asked doubtfully.

"I can skip from my school if you really need my help." I added anxiously.

"Gosh." Mom rolled her eyes to upward a second and then looked at our eyes alternately. "Just trust me." She turned her head to Clover. "Come on, my pumpkin."

Arriving at school, I quickly got out of the car to open the car door for Keira. I was so happy for she still wore my ring gift.

We walked side by side into the school but suddenly I felt there was someone pulled my collar t-shirt from behind so hard, making me turned around and it was Brandon.

His face was so full of angriness as if he was going to kill me alive. He instantly punched me on the face and it made me fell down on the floor.

"Just get up, cousin." His tone was mocking. "Get up, jerk!"

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