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Chapter 6 (UNEDITED)

-Leatham Series-

Keira's POV

"Stop here." I spoke as we were in the corner of my orphan street. I've said to him for not dropping me off at home but he kept insisting. He was so stubborn.

"Where's your home?" He turned his head on the left and right. "I don't see any home here. It's still a long road."

"It's okay. I'll walk on my feet." I said, opening the seatbelt.

"What?" He turned his head to me, furrowing his eyebrows. "No. I'll drop you off right at your home."

"Please, don't." I shook my head no. "It's okay. I'm used to walk to my home."

He was silent a moment, suddenly he took out his black iPhone X from his pocket and handed me. "I'll allow you but instead, you have to write down your phone number."

I exhaled long sighed. He was so smart for trapping me.

I took his phone and then wrote down my phone number immediately, then handed back to him.

"I'll call you tonight." He smiled. "Just answer if there's an unknown number, okay?" I nodded slowly and then got out of the car.

I assured first did he really go since I was so afraid if he followed me. When he really went already, I walked straight toward my home confidently.

Well, I did not want to show my orphan to him because I was so scared if he would bully me or even worse was... he would spread it to all of people at school that I lived at an orphan. I knew he was already nice to me but... I still did not trust him yet.

There was no one who knew about this except Summer. She had become my best friend since we were sixteen until our age were eighteen right now.

Arriving at my orphan, I opened and closed the front door slowly. The orphan kids instantly approached to me as they looked at me.

"Hey, what's going on?" I looked down at their faces worriedly.

"Nothing." A fat boy who name was Warren answered. "We just want to assure you."

"What are you talking about?" I asked not understanding.

"Yesterday, you came home with your ankle that hurt and your body smell was like a strawberry juice." A blonde girl who name was Emma said.

"Did you cry or hurt again today?" A blonde boy who name was Reign asked anxiously.

"What do you think?" I smiled widely. "Do I look like sad today?"

"No." A tall boy who name was Cruz answered. "You look happy."

"And beautiful." A cruel girl who name was Erica added. "Please keep being like this, Kei."

"Don't worry, Erica." I smiled, turning my eyes at all of them. "Hey, I've got a good bedtime story for you all. Do you want to listen to it?"

"Yes!" They exclaimed eagerly, making me giggled.

"But before you all listen to the story..." Harry's voice was distracted us. He was still in his long sleeve shirt. "Let us eat first." The kids immediately ran toward the dining table. Harry looked at me and smiled, "Come on."

"I think... I want to take a shower first. May I?"

"Just go there, Kei. I'll accompany the kids with Stephenie."

"Thanks, Harry." I smiled back and then left.

In four hours later...

The kids had slept after I told a story that I read from Tristan's book. They all really liked with the story and so I did too.

I could not wait to read the others books tomorrow so I could tell the story for the kids again.

I walked toward my bedroom, sitting down on my wood chair for studying. I was used to study when the kids had slept because if they did not sleep yet, I had to help Stephenie and Harry for looking after them.

I was the only one who the oldest at this orphan or maybe I could say if I was the longest at this orphan.

I always let the others kids were adopted by people because I wanted them to be happy first than me.

For me, being with them, Stephenie and Harry is my happinest in this world.

After studying, I went straight to my bedroom because my eyes were so sleepy already. I could not do anything besides slept.


The morning came quickly.

I had worn a beige stripe sweater, a white canvas sneaker and a backpack over my shoulder as usual. I also let my chest length wavy brown hair dropped down onto my chest.

I grabbed my Blackberry on the bedside table, furrowing my eyebrows when I saw a lot of missed calls from an unknown number. There was a new message from the same unknown number also.

I'm waiting you at the yesterday place.

My eyes grew up bigger as I was remembered who he was.

I immediately put my phone into my backpack and went out of the bedroom.

"Morning, Kei." Stephenie greeted me kindly as I walked through the dining room. "Just sit down here and let's eat together."

I turned around and said. "I'm sorry Stephenie, Harry, and kids... But, I have to go now."

"You look so panicked." Harry studied on my face. "What's going on?"

"Nothing. I... I just... I just..." I thought a moment. "I'm just afraid that I'd be late. I'm sorry all. See you at dinner." I said and left.

Arriving at the yesterday place, I saw his black SUV car. He did not lie. He really waited me.

I decided to pretend to not seeing his car but... he approached to me all of a sudden.

"Hey, hey, hey." He pulled my wrist but I instantly pulled my hand away from his gripped. "Why do you always avoid from me?"

I looked down at the ground. "I'm sorry but I don't want my bus left me."

He blocked my way suddenly. "Why you didn't answer my call last night? I've called you for many times."

"I've slept when you called me." I was encouraged myself for looking up at him. I could not lie if his down-turned green eyes were so gorgeous.

"Do you still want my books?" I nodded slowly, then he smirked slightly. "Just get in my car. I would like to be your bus today."

Is it real? Or... he's acting? If yes, he's a bad actor.

He quickly got out of the car just because of he wanted to open the door for me. I instantly became the center attention all of people like I was the only one human and they were zombies. Ready to eat me alive.

"These are for you." Tristan suddenly handed me five books as we were walking side by side into the school. "As my promise."

"Thanks." I took those books, smiling.

"You're welcome." He smirked. "Hey, what is your schedule today?"

"Math, physics, and chemistry."

"Ugh, we don't have a same class." He complained. "But it's okay. I can still see you."

"How?" I turned my head to him.

Though I just let a short word out only, he always replied me with many words. I mean, he's a talkative, bubbly and captious guy that I ever met.

"Just look at the window."


And he did not playful or joke. He peeped me on the window while I was studying silently. Even, he waved greeted to me as I looked at him.

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