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"So, I'm on a date with this guy and it's going great. He has great conversation, we have a lot in common, and he doesn't care that I have a kid." Gabri started

"Sounds like the perfect guy." I stated

"Yeah, too bad it was too good to be true."

"Uh, oh. What happened?"

"So, the check comes. And I offer to pay because..."

"Because you're testing him." I finished for her


"So he didn't stop you from paying?"

"Even worse. He says that I'm trying to embarrass him."


"Yeah, he says that I should have offered when the waiter left and all of this craziness."

"So what did you do?"

"I grabbed my stuff and left. He was a psycho. And that's coming from me."

"Hold on, I have to pee." I laughed out loud

"That's your third time in the past hour." Gabi pointed out

"Well, we have been drinking." I countered

I decided to visit Gabi for some girl time and to take a break from work. It's been awhile since we talked and I wanted to catch her up on Giovanni and I's relationship. He's been keeping his promise, all of them, to be exact. For the past month and a half, we have been the happiest we've ever been.

"So, should I expect a wedding soon?" she asked once I was finished in the bathroom

"To be honest, maybe." I shrugged

"Wait, did you just say maybe?"

"I did. I love your brother and seeing his effort to keep me, has me thinking."

"You're finally going to marry him!" she screamed

"Shhhh, Angelo is sleeping." I scolded her

"This is the best news I've heard all week."

"Calm down. He hasn't popped the question yet."

"Well, he will soon once he finds out that you're ready."

"Of course you're going to tell him." I said rolling my eyes

"He has to prepare the biggest proposal known to mankind."

"I sure hope he doesn't."

"Oh, Drew, this isn't about you."

"It's not?" I chuckled, "then who is it about?"

"It's about your children."

"What do these imaginary children have to do with my proposal?"

"The stories, hello. You have to be able to tell them a great proposal story."

"I think that the story would be great, even if the proposal is minor."

"You just suck the fun out of everything." she pouted

"You can't live through me, Gabbs. We're two different people."

"Tell me about it." she mumbled

We spent the rest of the day drinking wine and talking about what I would want out of a proposal. Gabi was not inconspicuous about fishing for information so she could tell Giovanni. Any other time, I probably would have been embarrassed or uncomfortable, but I actually was enjoying the conversation. Giovanni and I have been together for two years now and we've seen almost all the ups and downs in our relationship. We managed to survive this long together, we might as well make it official.

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