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It seemed as soon as I closed my eyes, my alarm went off. What would have been 7 in the evening back in Philly, was 7 in the morning here in China.

I took my time opening my eyes before realizing that if I really wanted to keep this job, then I would have to get up at this second. Before getting started, I decided this would be the perfect time to order some breakfast. I looked at the given menu in the kitchen, but could not translate any of the words. I decided to just wait to when I had time to google all the items.

I chose high-waisted black dress slacks, along with a white long sleeved button down shirt. I tucked the long shirt into my slacks, while slipping on my all black heels. I applied a natural look to my face using eyeshadow, eyeliner, and some face powder. I made sure to top it off with some setting spray before starting on my hair. I decided to add a few curls to my hair and after looking into the mirror, I was pleased.

I checked the time and I calculated about 20 minutes to receive and eat breakfast before we had to leave. I quickly pulled out my phone and typed in Mandarin menu items into my phone to see pictures of the food. I quickly chose three items that looked and hopefully tasted delicious. I called room service and they delivered my food in 10 minutes. I ate as fast as I could before hearing a knock at the door. I still had food in my mouth and in my hand when I opened the door to see Giovanni standing there.

He was wearing a nice black business suit, which I could only assume was a designer brand, with a white dress shirt under his jacket, complimented with a black tie. I thought his attire yesterday was substantial, but today he looked immaculate. I quickly swallowed my food before greeting him.

"What are you eating?" he asked confused

"I'm not sure really." I said

"Well, we're ready to go." he said

"Okay." I turned around to grab my laptop and purse

We were headed out the door and led outside to what looked like the same Range Rover from last night. My inferences were confirmed when I saw the same driver as he helped me into the vehicle.

"The interpreter will meet us there." Giorgio said

I nodded and for the rest of the drive I thought about my presentation making mental notes in my head. I didn't realize I was speaking out loud until Giovanni glanced over at me.

"Are you nervous?" He asked

I didn't want to tell him my true feelings because I knew he would make fun of me.

"Of course not," I lied, "It's just something I do before all my presentations." That part was the truth

He stared at me, but I kept my face strong so that he could not see through my nervousness. I noticed how much greener his eyes were with the sun bouncing off of them, making a beautiful view.

I looked away first, not wanting to distract myself. The Amanté brothers were both way too handsome and distractions were present whenever they were around. At this point, I hated Giovanni, but that didn't change his appearance. Giovanni and his brother were so oblivious to the way those flight attendants were so absorbed in them or at least they pretended to be. They had to know that they were the center of attention whenever they walked into a room. It made me wonder if there were anymore Amanté siblings roaming the earth, destroying the minds of women like me.

Before I knew it, the driver opened my door. It was almost time to prove my skills and I was already sweating. I followed behind the boys inside of a building that had Xing-Ji's name on the front. It was at least 30 stories high and I had to crane my neck just to see the top of the building.

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