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When I made it to the bottom of the escalator, the family in front of me walked to the left and I swayed with them so that the man at the bottom of the escalator could not grab me. I quickly weaved around the family in order to be able to move faster with the three men watching and following me.

I didn't know how many men there were in total, so I kept my eyes peeled for suspicious characters as I made my way back to the parking lot.

As I walked through the lot, I kept looking behind me to see if I had lost them. I practically ran to my car, once I figured the coast was clear. I quickly started the ignition and was about to reverse, when a sound at my window startled me. It was one of the men dressed in black and luckily the car doors locked automatically, because he tried to open my door.

I quickly reversed and felt a bump. When I looked out my rear-view mirror, I could see the man shouting while holding his foot. I sped through the parking structure, unsure of what to do. I wanted to call the police but I threw my purse on the floor in the backseat and I did not want to get distracted while I was driving. I just had to hope that a police officer would catch me speeding and offer their help.

As I made my way out of the parking structure onto the busy streets, my heart calmed down a bit. I figured I would pull over when I knew I was safe and grab my phone. I had reached a stop light and quickly unbuckled my seat belt and grabbed my purse. I threw it on the seat next to me so I could drive and look for it just in case the light changed.

The light turned green just as I had found my phone in the depths of my purse. The phone began to ring and an unrecognizable number popped up. I declined and before I could unlock my phone, someone had rammed into the back of my car, jerking me forward. When I glanced in the rear-view mirror, I saw the same black Tahoe with tinted windows that was driving beside me and parked at the mall. My phone rang again with the same number and this time I answered it.

"Hello!" I said as I floored the gas

"Hello Drew."

The sound of his voice sent a flood of memories, instantly calming my nerves and adrenaline.

"Giovanni." I breathed out

"I see you've met O'malley's men."

Another bump to my car frustrated me. I knew my car wouldn't be able to take much more of the assault.

"Get me out of here!"

"Turn left at the stop sign." he instructed

I did as I was told without even braking.

"Turn right on the side street."

"How do you even know this part of town?" I asked while turning right

"You ask questions at the worse of times."

I rolled my eyes at his comment.

"Turn right again."

I followed his directions and I could still see the truck behind me before another car crashed into its side.

"Keep driving." He commanded

He gave me directions that eventually led me to a cargo port. When I drove up, he was there leaning against a black Range Rover. He walked over to my car once I had turned it off. He opened my door for me and helped me out.

Conquering DrewWhere stories live. Discover now