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When I awoke in the unfamiliar bed, daylight had disappeared and was replaced by the night sky. The room in all its darkness scared me, so I quickly shut my eyes and felt for Giovanni's figure next to me.

To no surprise, he was gone, so I quickly mustered the courage to feel around for the bedside lamp and its switch. Once the room was illuminated, I became relieved and rolled out of the bed to use the restroom. After I relieved myself, I replaced my naked skin with the clothes I came in.

I followed the path out of the bedroom to the kitchen to find Giovanni there. I couldn't help the smile that crossed my face as I watched him move around the kitchen, multitasking.

"How did you sleep?" he asked without looking at me


"That's good.

"Can I help?" I asked after watching him

"No. I'm cooking for you."

"You always cook for me."

"Is that a complaint?" he smiled

"Of course not."

"You can shred some cheese." he offered

The task offered sounded all too familiar. Carla would ask me to do the same thing, as she didn't trust my cooking skills.

"Your mother asks me to shred cheese." I accused

"It's the only thing left to do." he defended

I rolled my eyes before grabbing a block of cheese and a grater.

"What are you making anyway?"


"That's it?"

"The rest is a surprise."

"Is it Italian?"

"Surprisingly, no. I decided to try something different."

"Different?" I was intrigued

"Yea. I decided to learn a new recipe."

"I'm more than excited to try it."

"You trust me?"

"I trust your effort."

"So even if it's not good-"

"You tried something different. That's all that matters." I shrugged

He smiled at me and when I was finished with the cheese, he asked me to cut some vegetables for the salad. After that was completed, I was forced to sit at the bar conjoined to the kitchen until he prepared our plates. When he placed my plate in front of me, I was more than surprised to see enchiladas and Spanish rice.

"You made this?" I asked astonished

"Yea." he nodded

I took a bite and it tasted surprisingly good.

"This is good." I complimented

"Yea, it's like lasagna, but easier."

I was more than impressed with his ability to try something new and actually master it.

After dinner, I offered to clean, but he wouldn't let me. So instead I toured the apartment and found myself on the balcony. It was very cold out, but I didn't bother getting a jacket. The cold air was refreshing, with the cold biting through my skin.

"You'll catch a cold." Giovanni said standing behind me

"I'll be fine." he rubbed his hands up and down my arms anyway

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