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Mature sexual scene written in italics. If you do not wish to read, then you may skip it.

"So why aren't you two together again?" My brother inquired

It was hard not being able to confide completely in Langston when he didn't know the full story. Everything would make so much more sense if I could tell him, but I knew that it was too dangerous to involve someone I loved. And not only that, Langston would kill Giovanni if he knew the trouble he had been putting me through.

"He said I complicated his life." It wasn't a complete lie

"Well that is pretty harsh. Has he apologized?"


"Do you forgive him?"

"I'm not sure." I responded honestly

"I know it's always been hard for you to express your feelings, but I think you want to forgive him and you want to be back with him."

"I don't know what I want."

"So we're back to that?"


"How long do you think he's going to wait for you?"

"I'm not asking him to wait. If he wants to move on, he can."

"You don't mean that."

I continued to deny any feelings or care about Giovanni's love life, but Langston knew the truth.

"I was doing fine, but then Gabi set us up and he invited me out for drinks." I confessed


"There was no date. Just an open invitation." I shrugged


"Why is that interesting?"

"It means he still thinks about you."

"Well it doesn't matter because I'm not meeting him."

"You're so stubborn."

"I know. But I just don't think it was meant to be, " I began, "I want a family one day, but he spends every waking moment working."

"Are you having baby fever already? You're not even twenty-five."

"No, I don't have baby fever. I'm just planning for the future."

"You can't plan love, Drew. It does not run on your schedule." he spoke truthfully

"Well, it should."

"What you should be doing is going after the person you love before they no longer exist."

"I'm sick of hearing that."

"Then take the advice I'm giving you." I rolled my eyes at him. "How long has it been since you two have broken up?"

"Three months."

"That's more than enough time to realize what you want. And I know you want Giovanni."

"You're supposed to be the one pulling me away from him." I reminded him

"True. But to be honest, you two are perfect for each other. And I don't know any other man, or person for that matter, who would be willing to deal with that mouth and attitude."

"So you're saying I can't find anyone else?"

"You didn't prior to Giovanni."

"I didn't want anyone else."

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