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"I just want you to come home." he begged

I closed my eyes and breathed out slowly.

"It's not about the dinner and it's not about you standing me up." I explained

"I haven't been there emotionally for you and I see that now. I'll do whatever you ask, just come home so we can talk."

"We're going to talk, you'll apologize, I'll forgive you, then you'll just do it all over it again."

"Trust me, I'll do whatever it takes. I don't want to lose you."

I sighed.

"Okay, I'll be home soon." I acquiesced

I had nothing to pack up, so I slipped on my shoes and made my way downstairs to check out. There was a different receptionist than last night, who seemed way too chipper for the early morning. Once I gave her my name, she brightened up her smile even more, if it were possible.

"You're the guest who received the flowers." she stated

"Yeah, that's me." I sighed

"I wish someone loved me like that."

"Be careful what you wish for." I said rolling my eyes

"Oh, they were apology flowers." she said deflated

"Yeah." I nodded

"Well, I mean, it shows a little effort, right?"

"Don't mistake gifts for apologies."

She didn't say anything else and continued the process of checking me out. Once she was finished, she granted me a good luck. I gave the valet my ticket and they brought my car around. I gave a tip, then I quickly made my way into the driver seat.

I drove as slow as possible, prolonging my arrival to the condo. I wasn't sure if I was ready to talk just yet. I wanted to take a nice long shower, brush my teeth and eat some breakfast before I faced Giovanni.

When I keyed into our shared home, Giovanni came out of the bathroom. I could tell that he was wearing the same suit he had on from last night. His jacket was off, dress shirt sleeves rolled up, and his pants a wrinkled mess.

"Right on time." he smiled

"For what?"

"I just finished drawing you a bath."


"I thought you would want to relax."

I eyed him suspiciously, but I made my way to the bathroom anyway. There were rose petals leading to the bathtub full of bubbles.

I turned around to look at him, but he just ushered me further.

"Don't ask questions," he said softly, "Just relax."

He slowly began to peel away my clothes and I allowed him. He fingers caressed my skin softly, giving me chills. Once I was completely undressed, he led me to the tub. I used his shoulders as support as I lifted myself into the warm water. Once I was fully emerged into the liquid, my tense body unwound.

He sat on the floor next to the tub as I soaked. He was silent as he watched me. I rested my body against the wall so I could stare at him back.

"You're the love of my life, Drew." he spoke, "I'm not letting you go."

"I'm not going to stay if you're not going to put in the effort."

"You're also always working, you can't put this all on me."

Conquering DrewWhere stories live. Discover now