Chapter 39

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Okay guys get ready bc this is going to be fucking mental, and not in the good way


  Everything seemed to be going great, I'd already managed to make lemonade with the lemons life had handed me. Or so I'd thought.


Vic and the boys had made the biggest decision of their lives to date, they'd decided to come together and form a band. They hadn't decided on a name yet, but they were getting there. Vic had these amazing, almost girlish vocal chords, and don't even get me started on the way he handled a guitar. Jaime had a voice, too, so he'd be doing backup vocals and, of course, bass. Tony was weird, I seriously had no idea he could play guitar as well as he does, fuck. And Mike, oh boy, you know how he loves to bang things. And by that, I uh, I mean drums. Silly, get your mind out of the gutter.

But I was all for the idea; some of my favorite bands began in high school. Plus, Vic had all these lyrics, the only thing he needed was to organize them the correct way and bam, he had a song.

At the moment, however, they were just a cover band. Everybody's got to start somewhere though, right?

  And fuck, guess who'd just gotten tickets to Of Mice & Men for June?? This bitch, that's who. They'd be headlining, duh, with letlive. and The Pretty Reckless opening.

I was more than a little excited, if I was being perfectly honest ×▽×

My grades were fucking swell, I had a loving boyfriend, and my friends were cool. My entire life seemed really perfect at the moment but I felt like I was too lucky. It was as if somebody was repeatedly slipping me some Felix Felicis (Harry Potter reference, yo (^; ) every morning, but potions and magic aren't real. Right? Then again, I am just a Muggle.. Whatever, it was way too good to be true. I knew that it was only a matter of time before things took a turn for the worse. I just wasn't expecting it to happen so suddenly, though..


When I woke up on that stupid April morning, things felt.. different. Of course, like the anti-superstitious person I was, I brushed it off as if it were nothing. The sun was shining brightly through my bedroom window, not a single cloud visible in the baby blue sky.

   "Good morning," Dad greeted cheerfully from the kitchen table, looking up from his spread out newspaper.

   "Yo," I yawned, padding towards the dishwasher and removing my favorite mug. I'd actually gotten it from the mall recently, it had a swirly pastel tie dye background with 'RAD' printed in drippy lettering across the sides. It was (ha) pretty rad. Setting the cool cup on the counter, I turned my head.

   "I'm not exactly feeling it today," I coughed, grabbing the coffee holder thing and pouring myself a glass full. The steam rose from the deep brown surface, filling my nostrils with what I'd expect heaven to smell like. Ever so carefully, I picked up the mug and walked over to the table, sitting across from Dad. It was only 6:15, I still had more than an hour before class started.

   "I know what you mean," he agreed, nodding his head as he set the paper down. "I'm getting bad vibes, man. But then again, I always get bad vibes in the morning. It's the morning, who wants to be awake?"

I smiled, blowing on my coffee before taking a tiny sip. Ouch, that's still hot, fuck. "Point taken. I dunno, though, I guess time'll tell, right?"

   "You betcha,"


   "Alright, I'm handing back the tests after roll," McKinnon announced loudly, sitting down at his desk and kicking his Vans-clad feet on top of the table, clipboard in hand. I swear, McKinnon's like one of the only teachers who preferred doing attendance manually rather than on the computer.

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