Chapter 24

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I was woken up to the annoying shrill of my alarm clock, the loud noise ripping me from whatever I'd been dreaming about. Eyes snapping open, I groaned. Nopenopenope it's too early to be awake > :| As I rolled over to slap the snooze button, though, I remembered the date.

Today was the day I'd been waiting for; today was Friday, December 20th. Or better known as the last day before break. I was immediately wide awake (yes I know it's too early for this but ugh deal with it), a giddy grin plopping onto my face as I shot out of bed like a bat outta hell. Bouncing over to my vanity, I quickly pulled out my ponytail and brushed out my long dark hair before I slipped my towel off the hook and grabbed my toiletries. Then I skipped out of my room and towards the bathroom.

*15 minutes later oooooh kill 'em*



I strolled back into my room, towel gripped firmly around my body. I went to the floor-length mirror before I dropped the towel and scrutinized my nude reflection.

All I saw was a frown on the face and a surmise of unwanted body fat. All I saw was this piece-of-shit girl who was emotionally done with the world and-- I stopped exactly what I was doing, I cut off all thinking, everything. I absolutely refused to let my day get ruined by the girl in the mirror. Sighing, I poked my belly distastefully, giving a quick annoyed eye roll before I began getting proper.

First of all, I slipped on a black pair of undergarments, before heading over to my closet. I felt like getting dressed up today--why the hell not? I pulled out a lacy black-and-red pleated dress. Skulls decorated the sides, going up the skirt part and onto the wide straps that covered my shoulders. I put some sheer black leggings on underneath, the warm, thermal kind with he pretty design, long with a pair of dark ankle socks. Then, I slipped my combat boots on aNd tied up the laces.

I moved back to the mirror again, pulling my hair out of the ponytail it'd been in and promptly styling it the way I wanted, making sure to carefully towel dry it out first. Then, I dusted some light foundation across my face, applied my winged black eyeliner, and drew on some ruby red lipstick onto my lips. I barely wore makeup, so I never go to heavy. Like, the way I just described it, you'd think I'd painted my face but all I really did was gently add color, so.

I pulled my iPod off the chArger, along with my phone, and slipped them in my bag as I wAlked out of the room, heading downstairs.

"Love ya, Pops!" I called over my shoulder as I sped out the door.

"Hey, you're like an hour early! Love you, too!" I vaguely heard him call as I headed out the door. Why was I so early?, you might be wondering. Well, I was going to Vic's.-. Ayyy lmao (~;

See, me and Vic have this cool system set up, seeing as we tend to visit each other often. For me, it was pretty easy: climb up treehouse, cross branch, reach room. He had a vine-type of ladder thing (it was actually quite durable for a plant) growing on the side of his house, which lead to his window. It worked out pretty well for situations such as this.

Climbing up the ladder, I eased myself through Vic's open window, landing on the carpeted floor with a soft thud.

His room wasn't too bright, the only light coming from the red numbers on his alarm clock, which read '6:35'.

As my eyes adjusted to the light, I realized he was still asleep. Well, at least I thought he was. Loud rock music blared from the headphones slipping off of his head, which was buried face down into his pillow. How the fuck does he even fall asleep comfortably in hEADPHONES, like dude, earbuds would be the better choice, am I right? But then again..

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