Chapter 13

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Ayyyyy sorry for the wait- I'm working on getting my Kindle replaced (I basically live off of that thing so) and yeah. SHIT GETS SERIOUS IN THIS CHAPTER OKOKOKOKOK?


Vic walked me home that night. Without a doubt the best Friday night I'd had in ages.

"We should seriously do this waayy more often," I smiled softly, "it was fun."

His eyes met my own, traces of sadness hiding in the brown swirls of emotion. "True, we really should. It's very..." Vic thought for a moment. "...relaxing, y'know?"

"I do," I nodded my head in agreement. It was pretty relaxing, But then again, just being in Vic's presence is amazing. "Hey, call me or something whenever you get home, okay?" I asked as we journeyed up the stone-paved walkway in front of my house. Vic happens to be one of my best friends, and I'd be hella devastated if something were to happen to him. Maybe even more than a best friend...? Ugh, he probably likes Cara though, I thought.

"Sure, sure," He smiled, as we reached the doorstep. "Whatever you say, darling,"

He stared into my eyes uncertainly for a minute, seeming to sway on the spot. Was he gonna... was he gonna kiss me? What. What? wHAT?

"I, um," He stu-stu-stuttered, before his eyes widened. "Oh shit. I should go, so." He turned around and left me on the doorstep, heart racing at a mile a minute.

"Okay, you have fun with that," I mumbled awkwardly, watching him walk down the path.

"See you, 'Lex!" ohmyglob Victor. He grinned awkwardly before leaving my vision.

"See you, Fuentes," I mumbled under my breath, turning around and unlocking the door before entering. It was about 9:20, so Dad wouldn't be here yet.

I was so fucking hungry, it was like the only thing I could focus on. My belly wouldn't shut the fuck up, either. Goddamnit, ugh.

Well, I thought, grimacing, I'd rather be hungry than fat.

Sure, but that didn't solve my freaking problem, did it? Ugh, I can't even remember the last time I'd eaten anything. I should probably try to stomach something before I drop dead. My stomach rumbled in agreement.

But, dear Alexis, don't you want to drop dead? My conscious reminded me, and I sighed. Arguing with myself is pointless. I do want to live, though, at least for the moment.

I'm just a moment, so don't let me pass you by~

What the fuck ever, I guess I can go eat an apple or something, along with a cup of green tea. I heard somewhere that green tea eases anxiety..? I was feeling rather anxious at the moment.-.

* T R I G G E R W A R N I N G *

10 minutes later, I was back in my room with a steaming cup of tea and the dreaded apple. The tea wasn't really helping with aNYTHING but whatever. I was gonna delay eating that apple for as long as possible.

I pulled my iPod out of my bag, placing it on shuffle before placing it into the dock. Almsot immediately, the song Sing by My Chemical Romance came on.

"Sing it out. Boy you've got to see what tomorrow brings. Sing it out. Girl, you've got to be what tomorrow needs," Gerard's amazing voice sang out as I brought the disgusting apple to my lips. I didn't want to eat it, I didn't want to be fat. But, you know how it is, sometimes things just have to happen. I took a bite out of the apple, letting the citrusy taste moisten my mouth. It tastes so fucking good, though!

Before I knew what was happening, I'd scarfed down the entire apple, leaving me with a semi-satisfied feeling in my stomach, a sticky apple core, and an empty glass cup. I gasped aloud, dropping the apple core to the floor as an incredible felling of guilt took over my body.

Fat, that's all you are. Fat, fat, fat, fat, FAT! my conscious roared, and without thinking, I flung the cup that was firmly grasped in my hands at the wall. Shattering, pieces of glass flew everywhere.

I collapsed to the ground, sobbing. How had I just let that happen? Fat, I can't be fat. I can't I can't I can't I can't! I absolutely hated myself at that moment. Why couldn't I be skinny and perfect like the rest of the world?

Chest heaving, I crawled over to the floor length mirror in the corner of my room positioned over my closet door, catching my hands on bits of the broken shards of glass scattered across the floor.

I didn't recognize the girl staring back at me, with her overly pale skin and messy black hair, her once shining emerald eyes now a dull, swampy green. Tears marked her sad face, the salty substance flowing down from her lifeless, watery eyes before dripping off of her face.

Oh, what the fuck have I become?





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