Chapter 28

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   "'Lex, we're hEEEEEEERee!" My Dad's sing-song voice called out loudly, dragging me from unconsciousness.

   "Nuh uh, Lex isn't here at the moment. Please leave a message after the beep," I mumbled groggily, snuggling into whatever I was laying on. "Beep," I added for clarification.

   "Um, Lex," Vic whispered from almost directly above me, the 'pillow' beneath my head seeming to... mOVe?? I pried my sleep-ridden eyes open, the dim-but-still-somewhat-bright light of my surroundings stinging them to all hell. "You're kind of squishing me here," wincing from the light, my gaze travelled up to Vic's swirly golden-browns. I guess he had a point; I was sprawled out across the length of the seat with my head resting in his lap. Oh, God, that's embarrassing..

   "You know you love it," I teased playfully, clearing my voice as I sat up on the seat.

  One look out the window told me we were, in fact, in Wisconsin--everything was covered in white, little bits of cotton falling from the bleak gray sky and gathering on the ground. Was that- was that sNOW?? It hAD to be, it looks exACTly like the stuff I've seen on TV!

   "Maybe, maybe not," Vic hinted. "But have you seen the snow? Ohmygod, I still can't get over how beautiful it is," he gazed out the window in awe, a smile planted firmly on his lips.

My eyes widened in wonder. "It's fucking weird." I stated incredulously, before turning to him. "I want to feel it." No, not want... it was more of a need, y'know?

   "That's what she said!" Mike giggled from the backseat, causing me to roll my eyes.

   "Whatever you say, Mikey," I chuckled, eyes moving back to the quickly-passing, white covered landscape outside.


   After we drove through the town for a bit (I still didn't know the name.-.)...we exited it?

   "Hey, dude, where are we going?" Jaime spoke up curiously from the back, seeming to voice everybody's thoughts. "I thought the lodge was in town..?"

   "It's not far from here, to be honest. We have to take a side road out of town to get to the Mountain, so," Vic explained in a know-it-all voice.

   "Ohhhhhh, I see, I see," Jaime nodded his head before falling silent once more.

**15 minutes later bc I'm too bored to be detailed and interesting so**

   The parents had just entered the lobby of the main cabin to check us in, leaving us kids in the van.

   "So, what do you guys wanna do first?" Tony wondered randomly, Rubick's cube continuing to spin wildly in his hands.

   "Eat." Jaime, Mike, and Vic stated in unison before LAUGHING at themselves.

   "I'm gonna sleep for the rest of my life, if that's okay." I shrugged, oblivious to the incredulous looks from them all.

   "But dude, you slept like 99% of the time spent in that van!" Mike protested, eyebrows furrowed in bewilderment.

I made a face before shrugging once more. "I just- I've been feeling under the weather as of late, ugh," I explained, subconsciously making eye contact with Vic.

In a split second his eyes went from playful to worried. "Are you okay?" He asked, concern lacing his heavenly voice as he held the back of his hand to my forehead. "I've no idea what to do, Mama always does this to check if I'm sick or not," he mumbled, eyebrows furrowed. Ha, men. "Your head is warm--are you dYING?"

   "We've already went over this, goddamnit," I swatted his he and away playfully. "I'm probably dying but that's A-O-flipping-K because I'm okay, I'm fine," I assured both him and myself. I heard somewhere that if you tell yourself you're getting better, even if you're physically not, you'll feel better. Same goes for if you tell yourself you're getting worse, even if you're physically getting better, you'll feel worse. If you can wrap your head around that.-. "Plus, I have to Skype Kellin," I added.

  For some strange reason, I thought I saw jealousy cross Vic's face but it was replaced with a smile before I could be sure.


Rlly short update VRRY SRRY but I had to update bc I haven't in over a week

D.C. was rlly fun btw, I saw all the cool monuments and wOW THW ARCHITECTURE <3

Well yeah

See you on the flip side

Have a fab day, all!¡


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