Chapter 22

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I woke up to a bright light shining into my eyes, head both throbbing and in a daze.

"Turn the fucking light off, you dipshit!" I groaned, covering my face and rolling over. Strange, my bed smells rather earthy, had I been smoking pot last night or???

My eyes snapped open and I lifted up my body. I was lying in the dewy, sort of damp green grass beside a river-what the flying fuCK?

What happened last night?? My head was pounding and my mind was a blur and I was all too aware of the seemingly lOUD AS FUCK noises of my surroundings, especially the rushing of the water. 'This is why I don't fucking drink, god-fuckin-dammit,' I thought exasperatedly as I gingerly held my head in my hands.

If you couldn't already tell, I don't drink much. Like, seriously, I could count on one hand the amount of times I'd gotten merely bUZZED, not drunk.

Once again, I found myself wondering what'd happened last night.

There had been a party, sure, but where the fuck--how did I even end up by a river??

Then I remembered--we'd all been at Alex Gaskarth's place, partying; I'd kissed Vic- no. Vic kissed me?! Why?!

I briefly recalled a conversation with Kellin about that very subject, who in turn made me a drink. Or 5. I don't know, everything is real blurry after that. What the fuck;-;

I took my head out of my hands, trying to stand up. I felt weighted down by something, and I didn't realize the state I was in until I glanced down. My pullover was torn and-sopping wet?! My entire body is sopping wet! How the hell?!

Ugh, never drinking aGAIN.

By the time I made it back to Alex's house, I couldn't help but feel overly regretful about the stuff that I COULD remember happening last night. The party was rad, but my actions weren't.

I shouldn't've gone to the party. I shouldn't've been on the balcony. I shouldn't've let Vic kiss me. And, most importantly, I shouldn't've gotten so shit-faced.

Jesus fucking Christ.

There were so many people lying passed out in the backyard- someone was literally halfway in the pool, their legs fluttering in the water while their body was strewn across the steps leading into the water. And garbage, holy shit, garbage was everywhere. Red cups were everywhere, along with various cans and bottles and whatnot. I couldn't help but laugh at how some guy was literally butt-naked, snoring loudly on the grass.

But if I thought outside was bad, boy, was I wrong. Inside the huge house was a different story. Everything was trashed! There were so many empty (and occasionally broken) liquor bottles in the kitchen, damn.

My stomach growled loudly just as I was leaving the kitchen.

"Dude, there's food in the-" Alex's voice came out of nowhere, yawning as he stretched his arms above his head. "-fridge. Help yourself."

I gasped, holding a hand to my heart. "Holy fucking shit, don't do that!" I scolded him playfully, referring to how he seemingly came out of nowhere. It wAS his house, though, so he was allowed to do that. "And, uh, no thanks. I'm not hungry," I was, but I tended to ignore those feelings.

"Oh, nonsense. I've never seen you eat like, ever, and you're always like 'oh, I ate already' or some shit, you're practically skin and bones-" he grabbed my arm and rolled up the sleeve of my sweater to emphasize. "-and you're fucking wet..?" I stared at him in confusion, wondering what he was getting at. His eyes widened in realization-to what, I didn't know. "Why the fuck are you drenched?" he asked me, and I just shrugged my shoulders.

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