Chapter 31

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Um wow 10k reads um what??
Tysm guys <3


*time lapse sorry*

"5...4...3...2...1... hAPPY NEW YEAR!"

It's officially 2014, can you believe it? Restoring Force comes out in 31 days, holy shit! If you can't already tell, I'm hella excited for Of Mice & Men's newest album.

The days have been slipping through my fingers like sand in an hourglass. We'd have to be heading back to San Diego soon, probably tomorrow, and along with that, the ending of winter break.

Exams were coming really soon and I probably should've been studying all break but seriously? This is my winter break, foo'.-. Sure, I could give two shits about school and everything related to it, but my grades need to be, at the very least, C-average. I have a fricking future, man, and it doesn't involve working in a McDonald's.

Now, in case you're wondering, Christmas was really great. I got to spend it with all of my loved ones AND I got some pretty cool stuff.

For the widely celebrated holiday, I got some band merch. The newest Punk Goes album, Punk Goes Christmas, was the gift I got from dear old Daddio and was the soundtrack to the morning. Dad also bought me an iTunes gift card worth like $25, which I'll be forever grateful for.

Vic knew damn well about my love for MCR, so he got me this kickass tee shirt, along with a little gift bag full of happy-- a pair of earbuds, a Hot Topic gift card, and a bunch of candy. The shirt was the album art for Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge, which as he knows is my favorite album. He's so goddamn sweet, awh.

Jaime and Tony pitched in to buy me the full set of this anime they adore, I think it's called Death Note? I dunno, but I really want to see it c:

Mike got me a wizard's wand modeled after Dumbledore's (The Elder Wand ayyy) shipped in from Florida, and you should've heard me scream over that o.o

Sure, it doesn't really sound like much, but I got everything I wanted.

I got Vic a boxed set of It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia, along with a bag full of Snickers and a Metallica tee. He really liked it, and he showed me exactly how much he did (~;

Mike got a pair of black Studio Beats headphones, and he was really excited about that. Jaime got an awesome name brand soccer ball from us kids, among other things, and I got Tony this huge, fluffy stuffed green turtle and Star Wars action figures.

If I'm being perfectly honest, this was the best Christmas I've had in years, since Mom was around... enough about that, though.

Back to present time, now. We were all huddled in front of the fireplace in the living room, watching the television above the fireplace. It was really modern TV, and had like an LCD monitor. The adults had all gone into town to celebrate. We were watching the televised dropping of the ball in New York. Just as it hit the ground, Vic pulled me in for a little kiss.

I swear, I've been so much happier since we got together (^: Little dragons flapped wildly around my empty stomach at the quick meeting of lips, causing me to grin.

"Ooh, get it," Mike said suggestively, and I could practically see the wink that was probably on his face.

"Or nahhh," I blushed wryly, half heartedly pushing Vic away. He pouted, but settled for wrapping his arms around me.

Jaime was at the mirror, staring at his expression humorously, "Gotta get that New Year's kiss somehow, ya feel me?" He laughed before leaning forward and kissing the mirror.

"Well, he sure knows what's up," Tony observed, smirking at his best friend's actions.

Mike, now bored, was switching through the limited amount of channels we got out here, the remote protruding slightly from the blanket wrapped burrito-like around his body. Just as he switched yet again, something caught my eye. "Wait, wait, wait! Go back, go back!" I urged loudly, and he blinked before looking at me.

"Uh, suuuure," he supplied before clicking back to CBS.

"-words are knives and often leave scars, the fear of falling apart!" Brendon Urie's beautiful voice resonated from the TV set. I squealed, body flailing as I wiggled from Vic's grasp.

"AGCK!" I squeaked, "This is my motherfucking jam!" I then continued to shout the horribly out of tune lyrics back at the screen, grinning the entire time. The whole performance was fab, Brendon's signature hair flips and booty shaking making me giggle like a madman.

"This is your girlfriend," Tony stated, causing Vic to choke on laughter.

"She's a work of art, isn't she?" Vic chuckled in reply, all the boys watching me as lay on the floor, hysterical laughter escaping my lips and tears rolling down my cheeks. "So pop-punk,"

I would've thought they were all judging me if I didn't know better; the amusement in their eyes gave it all away.

"You don't understand the struggle, you bloody twats!" I gasped, laughing like the idiot I knew I was. I just couldn't do it, whoooooah (*⌒―⌒*)o

"If that's what I am to you," Vic gasped theatrically, playing mock hurt. "we're through!"

"Nuh uh, guuurl, who u think u is bruh?¿" I shook my finger at him wildly. "I'm an independent woman, I don't need no man!" Ohmygod I need help XD

They all just laughed at the nonsense spewing from my sleep-and-food-deprived self.

sorry for the slow updates but yeah ugh kms
But yeah
Thanks so fricking much for all the reads and votes and comments and love
;-; I love you guys, thank you thank you tHANK YOU c:
As always, have a fabulous day, alright?

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