Chapter 38

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Hi, I appreciate the love, guys((((((((^: anyways, dude, I just died my hair ayyye c: part two of the party, enjoy! ((mostly unedited sorry I'm lazy))


As soon as Alex made a few phone calls, large groups of people began leaking in, filling the air with laughter and the salty sweet smell of sweat (ha say that five times fast), the beginnings of a full scale party making Vic giggle.

   "I still can't believe this many people'd even show up for me, holy fuck," Vic commented as we walked to the kitchen for a drink. Well, more like he walked and supported my fat ass, I was riding piggyback and was along for the ride.

   "Well, you're mostly popular, you're perfect, you're cool, you're rad.. who the fuck wouldn't show up? C'mon, now, you're Vic Fuentes." I snorted, nudging his hip slightly with my foot. "Shush,"

   "You're lucky I love you or I would've already thrown you in the pool by now," He retorted, making my feels explode. Lovelovelovelove. I doubt I'd ever get used to hearing those words leave his lips, aw.

   "Come again?" I asked, wanting him to repeat what he'd said.

   "Hmm, I'll throw you in the pool?" He asked idly, pushing the kitchen doors open. I shook my head negatively. "You're lucky I love you?"

   "Can you repeat yourself? I didn't quite catch that," I hinted playfully.

   "I love you,"

   "Still can't hear you."

   "I love you, Alexis, more than the sun loves the moon." Vic enthused loudly. "Did you hear me yet?"

   "What?" I wondered, causing him to move his hands, which had been supporting me, away from my butt, making me slide down his back and onto the kitchen floor.

   "Suck it," he giggled, moving to the counter and fixing himself a drink.

   "Only if you make me one!" I called out, getting to my feet and creeping up behind him. Just before he unscrewed the cap to the vodka, I threw my arms around his neck and pulled his face close to mine, smushing [I can't spell omg] my lips to his playfully.

   "Oh," he breathed out against me, clearly surprised, "two can play at that game, totally," With a smile, he quickly flipped us both over so that my back was to the wall, his body pressed up against mine. "Silly Alexis, thinking you can creep up on me," he giggled, attaching his lips to my neck and nibbling, the alcohol on the counter seemingly forgotten.

   "Me, silly? Not eve--" An awkwardmoan made its way out of my throat, cutting my sentence off, as Vic's mouth found the chink in my armor. "Fuck... what are you doing?" I groaned, tilting my head even farther back than before, urging him to do it again.

   "Magic," he mumbled against my skin before sucking on the same spot once more, sending shivers, fucking shivers, down my spine.


Before Vic the Magician could do any other spells, a very loud, very drunk, very obnoxious Kellin Bostwick sashayed through the kitchen door. He was wearing a pair of bright pink short shorts, an awkwardly gold tank top and, were those fucking fairy wings on his back? Ohmygod. "Holy fuck, you guys making a porno in here or what?" He guffawed, swooping in on us with a red solo cup gripped firmly in his left hand. "Make sweet glorious love, cuties!"

Without a warning, he stuck his right hand into the cup and dumped a handful of shimmery gold ultra fine glitter on us, you know, the kind that you have to scrub at for hours in the shower to remove?

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