Chapter 19

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*squeals loudly* I finished the manuscript of this story today omfg ;u;


Today was Thursday, October 31st, otherwise known as that holiday called Halloween. And Frank Iero's birthday, might I add c:

Today, I was wearing my Danger Days: The True Lives Of The Fabulous Killjoys tee, the one with the album art on the front, in honor of Frank Iero's birthday, along with a pair of bright, neon pink skinny jeans (they were so awkward, I only bought them because they went with the shirt ughughugh) and my usual pair of lace-up combat boots. I felt too... bright today. Jesus fucking Christ.

"Happy Halloween, 'Lex!" Dad greeted me as soon as I bounced down the stairs and into the kitchen. "Coffee's done, too- oH, LOOK AT YOU!" he gasped, obviously noticing my bright appearance today. Ugh. "Those jeans are cOLORED, Alex! Did you know that, or have you gone color blind?" he exclaimed, putting his newspaper down.

"Dad, calm yourself," I mumbled, a pink blush spreading across my cheeks. "It's just pink, ugh," I mumbled, pouring myself a cup of steaming black coffee. Does occasionally liking my coffee black mean I'm getting old? What's next, silver hairs? Oh, God, nO.-.

"Pink is a big step up from your standard black attire," he reminded me, and I jut laughed. Trust me, I would be going back to black within a week.-.

"Leave me alooone, you bully," I groaned, sipping at the too hot beverage and burning my tongue. "Fucking shit!" I cursed loudly, and he gave me a look. I just sighed, pulling $1.50 out of my pocket. See, we have this cool little system of literally 'paying for your mistakes'. Swearing in this household was punishable by a certain amount of money. $1 for major swears like 'fuck', and 75¢ for the minor ones, like 'shit', etc. The money went towers the weekly shopping trip one of us went on for your average household products. You know how it is.-.

"Careful, that's mind of hot," he lightly teased.

I grinned. "Duh," His face lit up considerably at the sight of my smile, which was extremely rare these days.

"So, do you actually have plans for tonight, or are you gonna sit on your blog all night and cry over Frank Iero?" he wondered.

"Ah, you know me too well," I grimaced. That's what I've done for the past however many years-blog endlessly about Frankie and tweet him, hoping for the reply that would never come. Living the life, Yo (~;

"That's kind of my job as your father, so," Dad interjected, but I just waved him off.

"Like I was sAYING, I have legit plans for tonight," Alex Gaskarth was throwing one of his infamous parties tonight-everybody from school was invited.

"Nuh uh!" he gasped loudly, holding a hand over his heart dramatically. "My baby's fINAlly growing up!"

"Dad!" I shot him a look.

"Alright, alright. You know the drill-or do you? I mean, you've never really needed much restrictions OUTSIDE of the Internet.." I rolled my eyes at this. The sad truth though ;-; "But anyways. Be back by 2am, use a cONDOM, no drinking and driving-" I had to cut him off right then and there.

"Dad, I'm tRYING to be a nun," I said sarcastically, picking up my bag and downing the rest of my now-lukewarm coffee. "I'm so gonna die a virgin,"

"Alex, you know what I mean. Ugh, be responsible!" he called out as I opened the door.

"I will! Besides, it's only a party, right?" I replied, before leaving the house and closing the door behind me.

Oh, if I only knew the things that lay in store for me.


"So, you ARE coming to the costume party tonight, right?" Alex clarified at Lunch that day.

"You fuckin know it, Gaskarth,"



"Hurry up, Alex!" Jaime whined childishly, body spread eagled on my bed.

"You act like you're gonna be missing something by going early," I grumbled, referring to the party. It started at like, 8, and it was like 9:15 right now. Everybody knows that the best time to arrive is between an hour or so late, that's when the rEAL shit happens. I was standing in front of my body sized mirror, adding the finishing touches to my facial makeup. I had already whited my face out, colored in all of the important details black, and was adding bits of glow-in-the-dark/black-light color in splotches across my face. I had an awesome sombrero atop my head, tiny little taco decals hanging down from the brim, with my bangs partially clipped back. My forehead was so weird, like, there's sKIN under all of that hair! I was wearing a pair of black leggings with glow-in-the-dark bones imprinted across the fronts and backs, a warm black pullover sweater with, gasp!, glow-in-the-dark bones everywhere. And my gloves were, oh-wow-you-sure-guessed-it!, glow in the dark. They reminded me of Frank Iero's treasured bone gloves c: I had my signature black combat boots on my feet, the laces tied in tight knots.

Jaime, on the other hand, was already ready. He was wearing a dark blue jumpsuit, an orange/red beanie covering the majority of his head. He had a pair of sunglasses covering his eyes and a thick, fake black mustache plastered beneath his nose. The words 'PTV' CREW' were emblazoned across his hat. I had no idea what 'PTV' meant, but it seemed like an inside joke between Jaime, Vic, Tony; and Mike. Fuckin Mexicans these days, I'm tellin ya.-.

"Ooh, dis chica is mucho loco," Jaime frowned, shaking his head. He was doing that Mexicanaccent again, ohmyfack.

I grabbed the half-empty water bottle from my dresser, I'd been drinking from it earlier, and quickly filled in the spot I was working on. There, it's good enough for me. I hurled the bottle at him, yelling, "PANTERA!"

He quickly ducked and the bottle exploded against the wall. Jesus! I crouched down, reaching under my desk for my bag, getting ready to make my great escape.

Jaime, however, was one step ahead of me. As I stood up, a fluffy pillow smacked into my face and I nearly fell over from the force of it.

"PANTERA!" Jaime giggled as he sped from the room.

"Mexicans," I muttered, slinging my bag around my shoulders. I picked the now-color-stained pillow up off the floor, tossing it on top of my bed as I walked out of my room.

I pattered down the stairs, hopping over the final 3 and landing with a thud on the hardwood floor.

"Vamanos!" Jaime shouted, dashing out the back doOR GODDAMN BUT I LOVE HER ANYWA- out the back door, running off into the dark night with an excited whoop. I followed him, making sure to shut and lock the door behind me.

As we ran to Alex's, I couldn't help the laughter that spilled from my lips. It was Halloween, for crying out loud! And, even better, I wasn't stuck at home, crying over bands on my Tumblr. I was dOING something with myself, having fun, having a jolly good time!

The children flooding the streets didn't even stop to take a second look at us, them in their bloody costumes, their flowing robes, us in our colorful costumes and sombrero(s). We were ALL just kids looking to have a blast, and that's the only thing that mattered.


thanks for the support, the feedback, and most importantly, reading this story of mine.

1.5k views the last time I checked, golly gee!

Have a nice day lmao

~Gavi (~;

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