Chapter 37

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Okay, so it wasn't exactly a week. *gets fed to ravenous vampires*



   "Dude, fucking call him already!" Alex urged impatiently as he taped up the last streamer in the living room. Today was Friday, February 14th, both Valentine's Day and the day of the long awaited surprise party. Yes, I know Vic's birthday was actually on Monday, but do you see him crying? Shush at you.

I guess that meant we were ready? Coughing nervously, I pulled my phone from my pocket and, taking a deep breath, I dialed Vic's number, holding the device up to my face. What if this didn't work? Would I have to tell him outright about the party and ruin the whole surprise bit? God, I fucking hope not.

   "Hey, babe, happy Valentine's!" Vic beamed, yes, beamed, I could her it in his voice okay?, and I could literally feel his smile through the receiver.

I rolled my eyes, almost scoffing at my pathetic nervousness. "For the hundredth time already, hun, happy Vagina day to you, too," I smirked, causing about 99.99999% of the people currently standing in the room with me to groan. Sorry, I can't help it man. Can't you just feel the love in the air? I was just happy I wasn't watching sappy love movies on Netflix and sobbing my existence out this time around.

   "Hooray for love and shit," he chuckled, causing the hopeful dragons to bounce around my stomach much like a child in a bounce house. It tickled my cheeks pink.

   "Anywhore, do me a favor, please?" I asked sweetly, crossing my fingers gets tightly. This was the moment of truth, ladies and gentlemen.

   "Of course, 'Lex, anything for milady,"

   "Go to Alex Gayscarf's-" I could feel Alex's glare burning he's into the back of my skull," place and get my ear buds, yeah?"

   "Um, sure. Why are they at Alex's?" Vic asked curiously and maybe a little cautiously. Or was that suspiciously? Oops.

   "That fucking fagbag stole them during study hall, pffft, I bet he was trying to watch fucking porn in the corner. Any who, I kind of need them back, ya feel me?" I lied, doing my best Mikey Way impression. That way, I'd maintain my poker face and not burst into peals of laughter. That'd be bad and would most likely ruin the party.

Vic sighed obnoxiously, probably trying to annoy me. Silly goose, who's he trying to fool? "I gueeessss," he breathed out, extending the syllables. "You're fucking weird, Alexis, but you make it cute. Lov- see you later, I mean, bye," he coughed out the last bit, making me blink in confusion. Had he been trying to say he loved me?? Excuse me while I choke on my heart and giggle like a fucking Japanese schoolgirl. Kawaii as fuck omfg.

It was silent for a moment after the call ended, but we only had so much time..

   "Everybody, place your fucking best!" I called out loudly, shoving my phone back into my butt pocket before facepalming. Fucking Asking Alexandria, damn you to hell -.- . "Excuse my malapropism, ladies and gents, take your fucking places, Macho Taco is crossing the border!" I'd given Vic a code name, okay, leave me alone.-.

*10 or so minutes later because I'm a lazy piece of shit and don't wanna go into detail*

   "So, should I even tell him?" I whispered to Kellin, who was crouched down next to me behind the couch in the living room.

   "Tell who what, now?" Kellin asked, confused.

   "Oh, you know. The usual. Confess my undying love for-" he cut me off.

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