Chapter 45

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ok hi how is everyone? it's 1 am and I have summer school in the morning but I think I owe you guys a chapter and I need to stop putting it off,,,, so here goes !!

*a few weeks later, sometime in June*

   It was really easy to get back into the swing of things at school, after my little impromptu get together. I was caught up on my school work and the only thing that I'd had to worry about since then were studying for the dreaded exams. Things with Cara and everybody else had become muted, where as during the entirety of the school year things had been at the highest volume possible. I got my friends back, even Andy, and for that I was grateful. I only had to deal with junior year for just a little bit longer...

   When I woke up on the final day of the school year, I woke up on time and feeling refreshed. As soon as my bleary eyes opened, a sense of elation filled me. I'd done it - I'd both survived and completed my junior year of high school in one piece, and with good grades at that.

   Well, I mean, it wasn't completely finished yet, but I had only 7 or so hours left of the school year. Today was a day worth celebrating, and celebrations are special occasions. And special occasions called for special clothes, so I spent a decent amount of time getting dressed after showering this morning. Besides, Kellin'd promised me he'd dress up as well.

  After quite a bit of deliberation, I pulled this cute little black dress off of a hanger in the back of my closet. It flared out slightly from the waist down, stopping just above my knees, and the straps were an inch or so wide. It was a bit lacy at the top, a sheer fabric exposing my collarbones, but not much more than that. I mean, the smallest amount of cleavage, too, but that was it. Totally appropriate for school.

   I couldn't recall the event I'd originally bought the dress for, but it was quite some time ago. It was perfect for today. Of course, I was still tiny enough to fit into it comfortably, even after my recent weight gain. Happily, I found that my breasts filled out the top better than they probably had before. Nice.

   I didn't bother with tights of any sort, opting to show the pale skin of my legs. For once, when I had shaved, I hadn't nicked any skin, so my legs were scab free. I had a pair of ankle length black socks on, and I paired my beat up dark Vans with the whole ensemble, aiming for comfortable. I had no patience for heels of any sort, ok, fuck that.

   I also did my makeup really nice. Really simple, but still really nice. I winged my eyeliner, brushed the barest hint of eyeshadow across my lids, and groomed my eyebrows until they were on point af, and then smiled at myself in the mirror. I looked really really pretty, whoa.

   "Honey, Vic and Kellin are here!" My father called up the stairs a moment later, and I was struck by a brief moment of deja vu. This reminded me of my first day of school, I thought idly, as I pulled my iPod from the charger with the ear buds bunched around it and slid it into my bag, which I slung around my shoulders.

   "Coming, Pops!" I replied, brushing my hair out of my face and taking a deep breath. The difference between today and the first day, I noted giddily, was that I had a handful of good friends and a cute boyfriend. Not to mention the difference in my mood; then, I'd been angsty and unhappy, but now I was relieved and happy. Cool.

   "-and then, they ripped them right out of my hands and held them above my head, taunting me. It's not my fault I'm so short, ugh, so frustrating." Kel was telling a story, his voice carrying loudly from the kitchen; from the sounds of it, it was the Cheeto one. "Regardless, one does not simply take Kellin's food. That's a no-no." Definitely the Cheeto story. My dad laughed in response.

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