Chapter 25

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  So it seemed as if everybody was going somewhere over break, whether it be out of town, out of state, or out of the country. Oliver was flying out to Sheffield on Sunday, both Jack and Alex were visiting family in Baltimore, Kellin was going to Grand Rapids, Michigan, Andy sTILL wasn't in school (this slightly worried me), and neither Jaime or Tony were leaving San Diego.

After exchanging phone numbers with everybody who wasn't already in my contactbook, it was over. No more school for tue rest of the year, pUNPUNPUN.


   "Okay, are you pOSITIVE that that's everything?" Dad questioned as I lugged the last of my luggage downstairs. I'd packed a bunch of clothes, my ratty old Converses (I was wearing my combat boots, as per usual), assorted books and comics, various technological equipment, and some CDs, among other things.

   "I'm preTTy sure," I replied uncertainly, doing a mental checklist. Everything was good until I realized my sketchpad wasn't with me. "Oh, shit! I need my sketchpad!" I exclaimed, dropping my stuff and darting up the stairs.

   "Hey, that's 75¢!" Dad called helpfully up the stairs as I grabbed my 'pad and the pouch full of drawing tools off of my desk. Jesus, how could I nearly forget this stuff?? Ugh.

   "Dad, I'm going brOKE here," I complained after running back down the stairs, emptying my pockets and handing over the fee.

   "Well, maybe if you didn't swear like a fucking sailor-"

   "Hey." I interjected, laughing. He just sighed, pulling a dollar out of his pocket and placing it in his palm next to the coins. "Watch your tone, young man,"

   "Get out." he rolled his yes, before getting serious. "No, really. C'mon, we've gotta gO,"

   "Alright," I nodded my head, picking up my bags. "Let's get this show on the rOAD!"

*~2 hours later ayyy~*

   We were traveling in the Fuentes' minivan, the adults in the front and us kids crammed into the back. Remember how I'd the opportunity to invite a friend? Well, surprise surprise motherfucker, so did Vic and Mike. Thanks to them, both Jaime and Tony were en voyage with us. I've no idea where their parents were, but they weren't with US.

  The minivan was quite spacious, to be honest. It could easily fit 8 people, so having the 7 of us inside wasn't too bad. It was cozy, though. Meaning it was hard to stretch out my legs. U g h.

   "I'm hungry," Jaime announced, stomach grumbling seemingly on cue.

   "Dude, you're alWAYS hungry!" Mike exclaimed exasperatedly. Jaime had kind of been saying "I'm hungry" a lot in the past hour or so, so I guess Mike had a reason to be annoyed.

   "It was aLLLWAAAAAYS YOOOOOU," I belted out, making Vic giggle beside me.

   "Falling for me, now there's allllways time calling for me," Vic sang back, a huge grin on his face. Panic! At The Disco was one of our favorite bands, ooooh (;

   "I'm the liiight blinking at the end of the roooaad, blink back to let me knooow," I finished, stretching the syllables in 'know'. I felt a sharp kick in the back of my seat, Mike's disgruntled complain telling me exACTly who the culprit was.

   "Oh, you lil shit!" Vic exclaimed, hurling whatever was in his hands behind him. Which happened to be mY COMIC BOOK that I felt so cOMPELLed to let him read, goddAmnit!

   "Hey, that's a fucking collectable, goddamnit!" I pouted as the two brothers argued.

   Tony was focused on his Rubick's cube, the colors blurring as he spun it this way and that. Last time I'd checked, his record was roughly 2 minutes. Oooh, he just might beat it this time

   Mike and Vic were, as you already knew, arguing over silly things, such as why the sky was blue and if a tree falling makes noise if nobody was there to see it.

   Jaime, as you already know, is hungry as frick and wouldn't stop complaining. I just- I don't get it. How the hell is it possible for him to stay skinny if he eats as much as he does?? Why can't MY body do that? Ugh.

   Seeing as my phone still managed to maintain reception, I was watching Kingsley's vlogs. You do know who the Youtuber Kingsley is, right? He's that fabulous gay black guy with the high voice who swears a lot. I'm not being mean when I say 'gay', he really IS gay.-. I was watching the 'Really B Really?' videos with my earbuds in, silently laughing at the ridiculousness of the entire episode.

  After the video finished, I stumbled upon Brendon Urie's Vine compilation and-- ohmYGOD HALP ME I'M CRYING AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

   Brendon was doing one of his infamous 'Positive Hardcore Thursday' videos when I felt the van come to a sudden stop. I looked up curiously, pressing pause on my video and pulling out an earbud. What's happening..?

   "What are we dOINg?" Mike shouted from the back of the vehicle, voice travelling to the front. His father turned around in his seat, facing Mike.

   "Your friend's hungry and we should probably take a break so," Victor (senior) explained, pulling the keys out of the ignition.

   "Yes, foOD!" Jaime giggled happily. "Do you think there's a Taco Bell nearby?"

   "Hopefully," Vic supplied, wrenching the sliding door open and hopping out of his seat. We all piled out of the van and onto the pavement, taking a deep breath of the fresh air. Believe me, Jaime's feet can be very...odorous at times. And besides, we'd been traveling for over two hours, who dOESN'T need a nice stretch?

   We'd stopped somewhere downtown in a small town, various shops surrounding us. I eyed up the mall that seemed to sprawl out everywhere, hands unconsciously slipping down to the loops of my skinny jeans, body rocking on the balls of my feet.

   "Vamanos, amigos!" Jaime giggled girlishly, running towards the mall.

   "Shut up, Dora," Mike muttered moodily, but he still followed Jaime into the mall.

  Well, this oughta be fun.


hey ugh srry I mEANt to update over the weekend, I really did!, but I forgot.

Have you ever heard of Kingsley, though? Like wowie he's pretty funny huehuehue

Have a fab day, all, and tHANK YOU SO MUCH for all the reads


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