Chapter 23

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Luke lied.

It had been a lot longer than just a couple days; in fact, it had been exactly eleven and a half months since he left.

Jess couldn't handle this anymore. Everyone was leaving her! She was already unable to function without Michael or Luke, so if anyone else left, she'd be nothing. Calum and Ashton had promised to stay by her side though, and she believed them. Jess no longer lived with her mother. She had moved into Ashton's small apartment about three months ago. However, she continued to journey over to Liz's home and give her a letter to send to Luke.

Luke hadn't told anyone where he was going except for his mum, and he didn't even tell her how long it would be. He told her the address of the place though and trusted that she wouldn't tell anyone, but she felt so bad when Jess came over to her house a week after he left, crying because he wasn't calling her or texting her or replying at all, however, she made the one exception to deliver the mail from to Jess to Luke and even though he never wrote her back, she was feeling a little better just knowing that he got them.

First Letter From Jess:

Dear Luke,

You lied to me. You also have not been answering my calls or texts and not only that, but you haven't been returning them either. I'm sure you don't mean anything by it, but I just miss you so much. So much it hurts. My heart aches for you, Hemmings. I hope you're gone for a good reason because I'm over here crying my eyes out for you. I'm sure you only lied to me to "protect me" or whatever bull shit excuse you have up your sleeve this time, but I want you to know that I can't handle much more of this leaving from everyone.

It all started with my dad, but I'm not sure that I am allowed to be bitter about that. "It was just his time to go" everyone said. Whatever. Everyone is so convinced that it's up to the universe to make their decisions, but I'm not buying it. We all have a will and a conscience and whatever else there is, I didn't really pay much attention in Psycology (kidding). However, we're always making concious decisions in life. The world does not do it for you.

So I really hope that you're going to take the blame on this instead of blaming it on the universe.

Love always, Jessy.

Most Recent Letter From Jess:


Hey there. You still haven't written to me yet. It's almost been a bloody year, and you still haven't written me... or maybe you have and just haven't sent it. Coward. I'm not sure why I still write to you. Either way, I wouldn't be getting anything. Maybe it's because I still believe in you? I don't know. I feel bad though because I gave up on Michael so easily. I always say that and my mum always responds with, "Honey, you waited a whole six months before you gave up. That's an extremely long amount of time, and you mustn't be so hard on yourself!" haha. Did I tell you that she and your mum are like best friends now? It's like us all over again haha. Only difference is, I know your mum won't leave mine and lie about it saying it was only going to be a couple days. I'm not even sure you're coming back anymore.

I hope you don't get mad at your mum for sending these to you. It wasn't her fault. I was really sad a week after you left and I went to your home because I thought you might have been back by then. You weren't.

I was over there, crying my eyes out and then your mum told me that she wasn't allowed to tell me where you were. I cried even harder and then she promised to send any mail I'd like to send, which is when I wrote my first letter, at your house, in your living room, sitting on your couch.

I thought that maybe you'd write me back but I guess not.

I'm sorry for whatever I did wrong Luke.

Love always, Jess.

Jess had been writing to him for almost a year now. She'd just tell him about her daily life, but for some reason never mentioned that her and her mother were no longer living in the same house, so when Kate came to visit her and she had a letter in her hand... you'll never guess who it was from.

Dear Jess,

Hi. I've been staring at this blank page for ages now. I know that this is going to make it seem like I haven't written anything at all yet, but I have, and you're right. I'm a coward.

I've written a response to every single letter. I've written letters to Ashton and Calum too. Don't hate me, but I've already sent them.

It was taking a lot more time to think of things to say to you, but I want you to know, I've saved all of your letters, as well as mine that remain un-sent. I know it's been a shitty year for you. I honestly am sorry for everything what I've done. I'm the only one to blame for all of the mistakes I've made. You don't deserve any of it! Everytime you mention how you've cried so many tears over me, I can't help but feel awful.

I'm so sorry. For everything. I'm sure I've lost you now, but I wish I could've made you stay. When you kissed me before I left, my body went numb and I could literally feel you slipping away.

You deserve to hear so much more, but this'll have to do for now.

I'll be back soon. I mean it this time.



Oh snAP. SHIT JUST GOT REAL. Okay, so basically, Jess has pretty much fallen EXTREMELY hard for Luke and even though she doesn't "know" it, she knows it. Love you guys! Rate comment share!

- Morgan

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