Chapter 22

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"Aw. I'm sorry Jessy. But it's been six months," Calum stated.

"I know... I just invested so much hope in Michael, and he just threw it all away." Jess sniffled.

When Jess realized that Michael wasn't coming back, she was crushed. One day she just walked up to the guys and said 'He isn't coming back is he?' and the boys slowly shook their heads and pulled her into a tight embrace as she just cried, they just sat there holding her mumbling quiet apologies to the broken girl beneath them.

"I- I want him back." Jess choked out, not meaning to start crying again.

"I know Jessy, we all do." Calum sighed, because it was true! They all missed Mikey.

Ashton just held her waist tighter as they were back in her bed and cuddling again. That was Ashton's solution to everything, cuddling until it got better. He was currently doing just that, Calum had been in their cuddle session as well, them sandwiching the small girl between them. Luke had been laying on top of everyone, until the scene got way too depressing, and went downstairs to get a drink.

Calum had just rolled off the bed and was working on trying to Jess out of bed so she could atleast eat something.

She just whimpered and grabbed Calum's hand to try and make him come back to the bed and continue cuddling.

"Jessy," Calum giggled a little at her actions.

As much as he wanted Jess to get out of bed and take care of her needs (bathing, eating, etcetera, etcetera), he complied and crawled back into her bed, letting out a deep sigh of defeat as he snaked an arm under her neck and around her shoulders, as he did so, Ashton stretched his arms out across Jess so they just barely reached Calum as well.

"Hey guys, I'm back." Luke mumbled as he walked through the doorway to Jess's bedroom, and she could swear that she smelt the alcohol on his breath all the way from her bed in the far corner of the room.

Luke stumbled towards the bed and carefully (as carefully as he could) climbed on top of his friends with his front facing down. He laid his head on Jess's chest and nuzzled his face into her neck as she gently brushed her fingers through his messy hair, making her cringe at the scent of tequila and rum on his breath. Jess hadn't realized she had started crying until she choked out a small sob and felt a warm tear roll down her cheek. Luke's head snapped up to look at her the moment he felt a tear prick his skin along with hearing the strangled sob coming from Jess that he knew she had tried so hard to hold back.

"Jessy?" He spoke warily, his eyebrows furrowing into a face of concern.

"I'm sorry," Jess choked out, pushing everyone away from and off of her, "I- I have to go, I'll be right back." She spoke barely above a whisper.

She wiped across her cheeks in attempt to wipe away the tears as she ran out of her room and to the bathroom, slamming the door shut then locking it.

This left you with three very confused and very concerned boys, listening to the quiet sobbing coming from one of their best friends.


About fifteen minutes later, Jess had finally emerged from the bathroom, eyes puffy and nose red.

Turns out Luke was standing there waiting for her the whole time. Ashton and Calum had warned him and told her he probably should just leave her be, but he refused and the other boys simply shrugged and walked away.

She glared up at him and wiped away the remaining residue from her cheeks.

"Jessy," Luke started, "I know you miss him, trust me, I do too, but you don't have to cry about it. It makes us all so sad to see you cry." Luke pouted.

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