Chapter 13

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"H-hello?" Jess yawned into the phone.

"Hello, Miss. Flours?" A professional sounding woman said on the other line.

"Mhm?" She replied sleepily.

"Well, I'm sorry to wake you at five AM, mamn, but we have a Mr. Clifford here at Blue Mountains Hospital, do you know him?"

"Y- yes. I- I know him...." Jess said, shooting straight up and out of her bed. 'How'd he get to Blue Mountains Hospital? It's miles away!' she thought as she shoved her ugg boots on.

"Um, well... you see, he was in a pretty bad car crash and totaled his car about thirty minutes ago. The impact had knocked him out immediately, he's defintiely got a few minor cuts from the glass in his wind shield, but we don't have a lot of information at the moment. He didn't start to wake back up unitl after we got him into the ambo. He kept rambling on about being upset and punching some guy in the face; he was called... uh, Link I think it was?"

"Luke." Jess corrected.

"Right, Luke. Anyway-"

"Wait, he punched him in the face again?" she interrupted the woman, confused by Michael's repeated scene.

"Erm, yeah, I guess, anyway. We asked if he had any family that could come get him, he is going to have to stay for a bit longer, only a couple of hours or so, but-"

"Oh my God!" Jess said, everyhting only just now starting to register through her brain as she finally shook all of the sleep off. "Oh my god oh my God oh my God" she muttered under her breath.

"He's okay, right?" she asked, very worried.


"Right?!" she interrupted. "I don't need all the details yet, just a yes or no. Is. He. Alright?" Jess said, one hand holding the phone to her ear, the other on her hip even though the nurse couldn't see her.

The nurse sighed and smiled patiently, even though Jess couldn't see her either. "Yes, mamn, as far as we know, he's fine."

"Oh thank god." Jess breathed.

"As I was saying, he'll have to stay here a couple of hours while we continue to check him out and make sure he doesn't have any vital injuries. He kept saying how he didn't want his mom to yell at him and refused to give us her number, but he reluctantly gave us yours, I hope you don't mind?"

"No, of course not." Jess said, shrugging on her coat, and grabbing her keys off of the small table in the entryway of her house. She stood there and continued the conversation with the woman on the other line, explaining it'd be fine that he has to stay a bit longer anyway because she lived about three and a half hours away from the place.

The woman was confused, yes. She didn't ask about it though.

"Okay, mhm. Thank you, I'll see you in a bit." Jess spoke into the phone.

Once she finally hung up with the nurse, she walked quietly down the basement steps.

Her eyes widened at the sight of Ashton on the floor, and Dragon Ball-Z playing on the TV. She just shook her head, a small grin on her face, as she walked over to his body and kneeled down closer to him. "Ash.... Ashton, wake up." she spoke quietly as she shook him.

"Go away, Mum, come back in five more minutes...." he groaned and tried to scoot away from her. He was going pretty well, that was until Jess came over and sat on him.

He swore under his breath as he tried to rid himself of the pesturing nuisance. She giggled until she remembered why she was waking him up.

"Hey, Ash, you seriously have to get up, it's important." She said, much more serious this time.

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