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When Jess woke up the next morning, she sprung out of bed immediately.

Partially because she remembered that the boys were performing tonight, but mostly because she caught a whiff of bacon and pancakes.

Jess ran down the stairs, excited for her mum's breakfast. To her surprise, it wasn't her mum cooking the breakfast, but the boys.

"Hey... guys...?" Jess said awkwardly, "Who're making you making breakfast for?"

"You. Duh!" Calum said childishly whilst waving a spatula at her.

"What? Why?" Jess asked surprised the boys were doing ANYTHING for her in the first place.

"Because, Jessy, we wanted to apologize for waking you and your mum last night with our foolishness." Luke said, also waving a spatula around.

"Oh. Well you don't ha-" Jess was cut off by Ashton putting his index to her lips.

"Sh, sh, sh, Jess, darling. We want to." he said with a cheesy smile.

Jess smacked his hand away and giggled to herself. They were so weird sometimes. She was about to pull out one of the stools at the island to sit down when all of a sudden, a pair of solid arms wrap around her from behind, holding her back, which, of course, lead to Jess screaming.

She tried to squirm around to at least see who it was. She then watched as Calum pulled the stool out for her whilst Jess continued to struggle out of his grasp.

The mystery person walked her over to the stool, he tried to sit her down on it, his grip then loosened enough for her to turn around and punch him hard in the chest.

"Ow!" He winced.

"Shoot, Michael," Jess covered her mouth in a failed attempt to shield her laughter, "That'll teach you not to mess with me." She giggled, crossing her arms over her chest. Jess finished his job by sitting down on her stool.

Jess watched the boys as they cooked her breakfast. Worst. Idea. EVER.

By the time they had finally finished making breakfast, the boys had successfully burned 3 pancakes, 6 pieces of bacon and burnt half a loaf of bread in an attempt to make toast. In addition to that, Michael got stabbed with a fork whilst trying to steal one of Calum's pancakes; Luke burnt his hand on the stove (twice!) as well as his tongue on a piece of bacon; Ashton was stupid and didn't listen to my motto ("never cook bacon naked"), and cooked some bacon without a shirt on, therefore burning his chest when the grease popped off the stove; and Calum... Well, Calum was in charge of the toast and... enough said.

Jess stayed sat in the stool as the boys served her, after a good 12 minutes of arguing on how she could get my own food, but unfortunately, 1 stubborn girl vs. 4 stubborn boys was just under equivalent and they ended up getting what they wanted.

Calum then set Jess's plate down in front of her as the other boys sat down around her.

"Wait, where's my silverware?" Jess asked confused.

"Right here!" the all said in unison, each holding up a fork.

"We're taking turns." Calum said with a cheesy smile.

Michael was the first to attempt to feed her, but Jess pushed his hand away, he pouted and furrowed his brows as he and the other boys gave her a confused look.

"Guys, I appreciate this, really, I do," Jess started, looking around to each of the boys, "but I'm not a baby, I can, and will, feed myself." She chuckled, taking the fork from Michael.

They all stalked away, each of them a slightly different height as they slumped over.

"Hey, we can still feed each other, right?" Calum said, standing up straight with a huge grin grazing over his mouth.

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