chapter twenty one

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After who knows how much time we get to where we're going. I leant forward and looked at the sign for Westfields shopping centre. Once she had parked, we got out and headed inside. "Where are we meeting them?" Robbie asked after a girl caught his eye, causing a smirk to spread across his face.

I hit Robbie's arm. "Focus."

"But... girls," he said lamely, his eyes landing on a group of girls sitting in the food court.

"Shut up," I grumbled. "Where are we going?" I asked Sam, jogging to keep up with her. Finally we get to her friends.

"Is that Ellie?" a girl said, grinning. It took me a moment to realise that the girl was called Abby, and was Sam's closest friend.

"Hey Abby." I smile.

"What are you doing here?" she asked, jumping up and hugging me. "Its been forever since I last saw you!"

"Boy drama is why I'm here."

"Ah. Boy drama. What - oh, hello," she blinked in surprise at my older brother. "I'm Abby, you must be Ellie's older brother."

Robbie grins. "I'm Robbie."

"Nice to meet you," she said, shaking his hand with a slight dazed expression.

"This is Chelsea and Nina," Sam interrupted, gesturing to the other two girls at the table.

"Hi." The girls waved and smiled but went back to their conversation. My eyes drifted to Abby and Robbie, who was now in a conversation with each other. I just shake my head. He's barely been here for five minutes and he's already flirting with our cousin’s friend. I look over at Sam. Sam raised her eyebrow at me but shrugged and sat down. I sit next to her.

Silence settled over us, each of us looking in different directions and thinking about what to do today.

I feel my phone vibrate and take it out. Opening the text message, I scanned over it quickly before I was nudged by Sam. "Who was it?" she asked, raising her eyebrow.

"Just El."

Her expression dropped slightly. "Oh. Let me guess, checking up on you?"

"Asking how the flight was." She nodded her head and started a conversation with her friend. I typed a quick reply to Elliott before putting my phone away. I sit there thinking, about everything.

"We're going to get something to eat," Robbie told us before wrapping an arm around Abby's shoulder and walking towards a fast food chain.

"God that was fast."

I nodded my head in agreement though I wasn't surprised. "He works fast," I told her, shrugging.

"Real fast."

"Me and Nina are going to head to one of the shops," Chelsea told us, standing up. "We'll all meet back here in a hour?" she asked as they slowly walked backwards.

"Yeah, see ya." Sam says.

I looked at my cousin. "What do you want to do?" I asked her.

She shrugged. "How much do you still like bowling?"

"Quite a bit."

"Let’s go then." she said, jumping up and grabbing my hand. "There's one on the other side of the centre. I bet I can beat you."

"We'll see about that."

Once we had our shoes and lane, we walked across the lanes until we reached ours at the end. "I'll let you go first," I said to her, grinning.

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