chapter thirty-six

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A few days later…

Opening my eyes, I yawned and looked around the room. "Justin?" I mumble rubbing my eyes.

"Yeah?" he answered, leaning over the bed and smiling at me.

I smile. "I though you left."

"No. I was just talking to your brother."

I nod. "Which one?"

"Well, each of them actually. After one disappeared, another would appear. They were asking about... you testing."

"Oh... what did you tell them?"

"That you were going to do it tomorrow." I nod and pull him close. He laid down and kissed my forehead. I cuddle up to him and rest my head on his chest, closing my eyes and falling asleep. When I opened my eyes, I couldn't tell what the time was but it was raining out and the sky was dark. I hear a large crack and I jump, holding onto Justin so tightly that I wake him up.

"What?" he mumbled, prying his eyes open. "Ellie? What's wrong?"

"Storm...” He nodded his head slowly. "Yeah, your brother told me about that after watching the weather. I should have told you." I curl into him and hide my face. "Your fine," he murmured, kissing the top of my head. "And trust it to be the day we were going to test," he grumbled. I stay where I am and kiss his chest lightly a few times.

"Get up," Mia sang, bouncing into the room. "Me and Wes went out, and we got you something we think you might need."

"Mia...its storming..."

She shook her head and dropped a bag onto the bed. "We got it while we were out last night." I sit up and then I hug her. "You're welcome," she said, rolling her eyes and grinning. "Okay. Go pee on the stick." I roll my eyes and go to the bathroom with the tests. A few minutes later I washed my hands and waited, biting my lip. I walk out of the bathroom, worried like crazy. Justin looked up at, a worried expression on his face, and Mia was sitting next to him. I sit on Justin's lap. He wrapped his arms around me and squeezed. "Do you guys want me to read it?" Mia asked quietly, looking at us. We both nod. She gets up and disappeared into the bathroom. A few minutes later she appeared with the test and looked down at it.


She smiled at us. "Not pregnant." I beam and kiss Justin.

"I love you," he told me, grinning.

"Always," I said, returning his grin. I laughed and pushed him back onto the bed into a hug. He chuckles and holds me close.

"I'm just going to leave," Mia said, chuckling. I smiled over at her before she shut the door behind her.

"No more unprotected sex," I told him, tapping his nose and shaking my head.

"We'll be safe, I promise." he says. "Well, safe until we want a family," he mutters. I felt a grin spread across my lips. "Yeah, until then." He smiles and kisses me. I kissed him back before burying my face in the crook of his neck and sighing.

"What is it?"

"I... I'm just slightly disappointed, you know?"

"Why? I thought that you didn't..?" I shook my head and sighed again. "Ellie, love, talk to me."

"I guess the past few days I've been thinking about it more," I murmured. "And if it wasn't for you being so far away..."

"Then you'd want a family this early?"

I paused and looked up at him. "If it happened, I would hate leaving you because of it, but if we were together, permanently, then I wouldn't object it." He nods and kisses me softly. I smiled against his lips and moved closer. He wraps his arms around me tightly.

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