chapter fourteen

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I feel my heart break into pieces and I start crying. This can't be real. "No..." My hand flew to my mouth as I turned and ran from the room, not waiting to see if they saw me or no. I run downstairs, looking for one of my brothers. I need to go home.

"Ellie?" Cam appeared in front of me. "What's wrong?"

My lip quivers. "C-can you take me home?"

He instantly looked sober than when I saw him earlier. "What happened, Ellie?" he asked me, pulling me out the way of nosey people.

"Please can you just take me home?" I ask biting my lip so I don't start crying even more.

He nodded. "Come on, my car is just outside."

"Thank you," I managed to choke out, following him to his car. He opens the door for me and closes it before going around and getting in the driver's seat.

"You can talk to me, if you want to," he said quietly once we were almost to my house.

"Chris....he....he...cheated on me!" I start crying more than before.

We pulled into the driveway and Cam pulled me towards him into a hug. "Shh, don't cry," he said quietly, rubbing my back. I wrap my arms around him and continue to cry, I can't stop. "Hold on," he said quietly, quickly getting out the car and coming around to my side. "Come on, I'll carry you up," he told me softly, unbuckling my seat belt and picking me up. I wrap my arms around him and let him carry me into my house and up to my room. I shake my head as he heads to my room. I tell him to bring me into Elliott's.

He placed me on Elliott's bed and sat down next to me. "Do you want me to stay with you?" he asked quietly, pushing my hair away from my face and frowning.

I nod. "Until El comes home."

"I think he might be staying with his girlfriend tonight," he told me quietly.

"His girlfriend? What? I thought? What?"

He frowned at me. "He's going out with Lily now, didn't you know?"

"He, I thought...I thought he was doing a double date first?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. Something must have happened over the last few days that made her want to date him. All I know is that he's staying with her tonight."

"He didn't tell me." I frown. "Then stay till Wes and Mia get here." I bury my head in his chest again as I cry.

He nodded his head and sat back on Elliott's bed, patting the spot next to him. "Do you want to talk about it?" he asked quietly, looking at me. I pull my knees up to my chest and rest my head on my knees. "It helps to talk about it, you know," he told me softly, leaning back and closing his eyes. That was what I loved about Cam, he didn't pressure people into telling him things.

"I...I don't even know what really happened." I wipe some tears away. "We were perfectly fine. I went off to the bathroom and then started looking for him and then I...I saw him..."

He wrapped his arm around me. "Go on," he urged.

"He.... he was sleeping with another girl." I bury my head in his chest and cry.

He rubbed my back and murmured soothing words. "Ellie, was he actually sleeping with her?" I nod. I'm so sure of it. He sighed and shook his head. "How can he do that to you?" he asked himself.

"I thought he loved me..." He didn't say anything, just rubbed my back. "He did love me, right?" I asked, feeling my eyes begin to water again. "He just done it to sleep with me, didn't he?"

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