chapter fifteen

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A week later…

"What do you want to do today then?"

"Anything really." I tell him.

He pursed his lips and looked out my window. "What about if we go to the beach? If we leave now we can have a few hours there."

"Yeah, sure." I smile softly.

He smiled and stood up. "Okay, get dressed in something for the beach and I'll go tell your brothers."

"Okay." I get up and he leaves my room. I pulled on my bikini then a t-shirt and shorts before going downstairs. My brothers smile at me.

I forced a smile back before getting a drink out. "Are you ready to leave?" Cam asked, lowering his phone to look at me.

"Yeah, my bag is upstairs though."

"Okay. Go get it and we'll go wait in the car," Elliott said, nudging me forward. I nodded and walked upstairs to my room, looking for my bag. I grab in and head downstairs to the car. I climbed in next to Cam and smiled at him when he handed me my drink. Wes pulls out of the driveway and we head to Mia's house.

Mia came skipping down the driveway and when she spotted me, she quickly jogged forward and pulled me into a hug. "I'm sorry, hun," she said quietly.

I hold onto her tightly. "I'll be okay." She pulled away and frowned but nodded her head, her gaze flicking to Cam before sitting next to me.

"What's up?" I ask her.

"Nothing." She smiled at me before looking out the window, a thoughtful expression on her face.

"Tell me, please?" I beg.

"When we get out, okay?" Her eyes flicking to the boys around us. I nodded my head, understanding what she meant.

"Can I at least know what it's about?" I asked her quietly. She shakes her head. I pouted. "Please?" I clapped my hands together. "Please, please!" She sighs and whispers in my ear. "What?" I blinked at her. "It's no good telling me if you don't speak loud enough, Mia. Just say it a bit louder." She looks over at Cam without making it obvious. I nodded my head slowly, not really understanding what she meant about him. Just over forty minutes later, we were in the parking lot and getting out. "Okay, tell me," I demanded once we were a few feet in front of the boys. 

"Does he like you, do you like him, what?!"

I looked at her in surprise. "What?" My eyebrows furrowed.

"You heard me."

"You think we like each other?" I asked her.

"Well he likes you, maybe."

My mouth opened and closed as I stared at my best friend. "You- what?"

"I'm just saying and asking."

"What you girls talking about?" Elliott asked, appearing next to us and smiling.

"Nothing," I answered quickly. "I'm going down to the water," I told them before jogging towards the water.

"Okay." I hear Elliott smile. As I stood in front of the slow moving waves, a small smile spread across my lips. My eyes scanned the water, seeing if anyone else was in it before I took my top and shorts off and walked into the water. I walk far enough until I can swim. I dived under water and swam further away until coming up for air. My eyes landed on Wes and Mia, sitting together on the sand while Elliott was talking to two guys while waiting for a drink at the small food shack. Cam caught my gaze as he swam towards me.

"Hey." He smiles softly.

I felt a smile tug at my lips as he moved closer. "Hey, Cam."

"Are you okay?"

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