chapter nineteen

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Once home, I get out and go inside. "Where did you go?" Wes asked, taking the keys from me.

"I just had to do something."

Raising his eyebrow, he stayed silent and walked into the living room. "Elliott's upstairs if you need him," he told me before switching on the TV. I don't say anything, but I do go upstairs and knock on Elliott's door.

"Yeah?" he called out. I opened his door and smiled at him. "Oh, hey, El." I walk in and sit next to him. He smiled up at me. "What's up?"

I lean into him. "I'm an awful person."

"Why?" he asked quietly, wrapping his arm around me.

"I hurt Cam.."  I look down.

He lifted my chin and frowned. "What do you mean?"

"Chris and I kissed."

"What?" he looked at me in surprise. "When were you two even together?"

"Earlier today, when he was teaching me how to play guitar."

Elliott sighed and looked away. "Why did you agree to be alone with him, El?"

"I don't know." We sat in silence, me thinking over how I hurt Cam and Elliott staring out his window. I can't believe what I did…

"I bet Cam was hurt," he said.

"He is." I look down, feeling awful.

Elliott kissed the side of my head and sighed. "I can imagine."

"I didn't want to hurt him."

"I know you didn't, El. But why did you kiss him?"

"He kissed me first but I kissed him back and it was only for two minutes that we were kissing."

"What made you stop?" he asked, raising his eyebrow.

"Wes knocked on the door, but I swear I wouldn't have gone further."

"How do you know that?" he asked, looking at me.

"Elliott I couldn't."

He shifted on the bed so he was looking at me directly. "If it wasn't for Wes knocking on the door, how would you ave known to pull away?"

"I would have!"

"But how do you know that?" he asked softly.

"I couldn't!" I looked at him, my eyes slowly filling with tears. I turn away and crawl up on his bed. Elliott sighed and moved closer to me. I curl up into a ball and pull a pillow against my chest. He kissed my head and pushed my hair away from my face. "I hate this, why can't I just have a normal life?!"

Elliott stayed quiet, not wanting to say anything in case I snapped at him. I cuddle up to him.

"What did Cam say when you told him?" he asked me quietly, rubbing my arm soothingly.

"He was really upset and mad."

"Understandable." he nodded.

"Yeah." Silence settled over us, both of us lost in our thoughts. I wipe away the tears that have fallen.

Elliott kissed my forehead. "Let's watch a film."

"Okay," I mumbled, watching him get up. He puts one in and then joins me on the bed.

Half way through the film, Elliott's phone started to ring. "Hello?" he answered. "Yeah, mhm." he says. I paused the film and watched him. "I can't right-" he stopped and sighed. "Alright, I'll be there in a minute." He hung up and looked at me. "I have to go out, I'm sorry."

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