Chapter 26- Attack on Gorilla City

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MacKenzie's POV

I slowly take a deep breath in with my eyes closed.

Barry told me to hide, but I've been sitting here for awhile and it's time I go and find my friends.

I take another shaky breath in.

"Okay." I say shakily, opening my eyes. "You're okay. It''s gonna okay. You just gotta find them while staying hidden from enhanced gorillas and not being able to use your powers. Shouldn't be too hard, right?" I breathe shakily a few more times. "Okay."

I stand up.

"Here we go." I say.

I climb out of the ditch and start walking.

"Stay hidden." I whisper to myself.

I walk around for a few minutes.

This jungle is huge!

"There's gotta be something that tells me where they are." I whisper, looking around. "Come on, Cisco. Give me a clue."

Something hits the ground behind me and I quickly jump, turning around at the same time.

Nothing's there. I walk forwards and see a branch on the ground. Then, another branch falls a little away from it. Then another one falls.

A line. They are all in a straight line.

I crack a smile.

"Got it, Cisco." I say. "Don't worry. I'm coming."


The branches had stopped falling a while back, which kinda sucked cause then I was walking blind. Until I saw a giant arena.

"Wow." I whisper, walking up to the arena.

There's a few windows and doors around the place. I walk up to one of the barred windows, but since it's for big gorillas, I have to climb and pull myself up to see inside.

I finally am able to see through the window without being noticed by any other gorillas inside the arena.

"Uh-oh." I say. RIght now, Barry's in there fighting another gorilla. I know it's definitely not Grodd, so who is it?

Then, Barry gets hit in the leg again by another dart and he falls to the ground, knocked out.

"Jeez, Barry." I mutter.

I climb down from the window and brush off my dirt covered knees. Turning around, I come face to face with a gorilla.

"Uh-oh." I say again. Then, I book it.

I don't know where I'm running, but I run straight into a wall. I fall backwards and land on my back.

"Ouch." I simply say, picking myself up.

I look at the wall I just ran into. No gorillas are behind me and there's a solid wall in front of me. Wait...there's a hole. There's another barred window!

I crouch down to the barred window and measure it with my hands. I think my head is the only part of my body that won't fit through.
I gotta break the bars. I quickly take my wrist protectors off.

I hold onto the two bars, one in each hand, and close my eyes. I quake and the bars slowly start to split in half. I have to hold in my screams, so I don't get found, as my wrists take the impact of my quakes.

The bars break and I gasps, pulling my hands close to my body. They don't hurt too bad, so let's just hope they stay okay.

I slowly climb through the window I just opened, leaving my wrist protectors outside, they're no use to me right now anyways. I start to lower myself in by my arms, but a huge pain rips through them. I clench my teeth and fall to the ground, sweat dripping from my forehead.

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