Chapter 31- Into the Speed Force

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MacKenzie's POV

"Cisco." Barry says, breaking the individual conversations between everyone. "Get the breach room ready."

"Okay, for what?" Cisco asks.

"I'm gonna save Wally." Barry says.

"How exactly are you going to do that?" Julian asks.

"I'm going back into the Speed Force." Barry says.

"I'm just trying to wrap my mind around you going into the Speed Force again. Savitar said he was there for years. You said it was like being in space." Joe says.

"I know." Barry says.

"So what are you gonna do? You gonna run in there and run around till you find him?" Joe asks. "It's endless."

"I know." Barry says. "And this is the only way to save Wally."

"Yeah, yeah, I just we need a plan." Joe says. "I don't wanna lose both my sons."

"Look, gang, I don't understand the Speed Force, but there are plenty of people in this room who do." HR says.

"Am I correct in assuming there's a point coming?" Cisco asks.

"My point is why can't you use your knowledge to fashion some kind of safety precaution for young BA right here, so that, while he's in the Speed Force, he doesn't get lost." HR says.

"Oh, so you're saying I can just whip up some kind of inter-dimensional tether to just anchor him to the Universe?" Cisco asks.

"Yeah." HR says.

"That's exactly what I can do." Cisco says.

"Yeah!" HR says. "Now we're cooking with helium."

"Yes, and I can I can add a biological component that will measure his vitals when he's in the Speed Force." Julian says.

"That's a great idea." Caitlin says.

"Thank you, Caitlin." HR says.

"Because if we can monitor Barry's vitals, we'll know if they fluctuate, and we can pull him out." Caitlin says.

"You mean pull us out." Jesse says. "Yeah, if you're going in there to save Wally, so am I."

"Jesse, you're gonna stay here." HR says. "Because if your father finds out you're lost in some negative world, the first person to get a broken schnoz is me."

"There's a negative world?" Cisco asks.

"Yeah, negative world." HR says.

"Really? They have Super Mario on Earth-19?" Cisco asks.

"Oh, yeah, challenge me." HR says.

"You're going down." I say with a smile.

"Barry, you need my help." Jesse tells him, walking over to him. "Your shoulder is still broken."

"It's okay. It's almost healed." Barry says.

"No, look, I can do this." Jesse says.

"I know, but I need you to stay here." Barry says. "Keep the city safe while I'm gone. And this is something I have to do alone, okay?"

"Fine." Jesse says.

"Thank you." Barry says.

"Okay, let's go to work." Cisco says.

"Mack..." HR says, bowing down and I look at Cisco who is just as confused as I am. "Your chariot awaits." He says, turning around.

I smile and jump on his back.

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