Chapter 44- Infantino Street

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MacKenzie's POV

"Cisco?" Barry asks through the comms. "We need your help. I have the energy source, but Snart's trapped inside the cell with King Shark. You gotta open the door."

Cisco runs to the computer and starts typing.

"I can't hack into the mainframe." Cisco says. 

"Then get Mack to do it." Barry says and I jump up from my chair and go over to the computer. "And hurry, all right?

"Come on." I say through my teeth, typing furiously on the computer. I hack in and the door opens. "Bam! Take that, Cisco!" I exclaim but then I am thrown into a coughing fit.

"Now, Cisco, now! Close it!" Barry screams through the comms.

Cisco closes the door.

Barry speeds into the cortex right next to me but his back is to all of us.

"We did it! We got the Dominator tech." Barry says. 

"Yes, yes!" HR exclaims.

"Where's Iris?" Barry asks.

"Ah, Iris safely stashed away on Earth-2 with ole Harry Wells." HR says.

Then, Barry turns around to reveal that it's actually Savitar.

"Holy--" I yelp, falling to the ground in fear and backing up. 

"No." HR whispers.

Savitar speeds away.

"Barry! Savitar knows where Iris is." Cisco yells through the comms.

After an hour or so, Barry walks into the cortex.

"B.A., I'm so sorry." HR says.

"It's okay." Barry whispers.

"I screwed up." HR says. "I'm so sorry."

"So, what now?" Joe asks.

"Now we go to Infantino Street." Barry says. "We know exactly where Savitar's gonna be and when."

"Is the bazooka ready?" Cisco asks.

"I've loaded the power source into the device, which should deliver the necessary amount of energy to trap Savitar in the speed force." Tracy says. "We'll be on standby in case it fails."

"It won't fail." HR reassures. "It won't fail. It's ready."

"You didn't have that the last time, so we have the upper hand now." Joe says. 

"All right. You guys figure out what your plan is. I can't be here to know any of it." Barry says. "You know where I'll be." He says, leaving.

I turn to Cisco. 

"I'm going." I tell him. 

"No you're--" Cisco tries. 

"I'm not asking." I tell him. 


Cisco, HR, and I are in the workshop.

"Gauntlets, check. Goggles, check." Cisco says, putting stuff in his backpack. "Super powers? Check. Locked and loaded." He zips up his bag and then sees HR staring into space. "Don't stress. Tracy's bazooka."

"Yeah." HR says. 

"It's gonna work." Cisco says.

"Tracy's bazooka?" HR asks.

"Yeah, you helped." Cisco says. 

"I didn't... I didn't--" HR starts, knocking something to the ground. "I didn't help."
"Yes, you did. You inspired her." Cisco says. 

"I didn't inspire her." HR says. "I... I didn't do anything inspiring. You know what's inspiring? Barry. A hero among heroes. You're all heroes. And you've all given me so so much, you know? You've given me a home, you've given me a purpose. Now you've led me to the woman that I adore, that I wanna spend my future with, and through it all, what have I done? What have I done? What have I contributed except some fair-to-middling drumming, and lead Savitar directly to Iris."

"That's not fair." Cisco says. 

"It's not fair?" HR asks.

"It's not fair for you to say." Cisco says. "Savitar tricked us." 

"Us? Me." HR says. "I'm the one who opened his big, fat mouth, and now we're all in trouble, and especially Iris, 'cause I couldn't keep my mouth shut!"

"Hey! That coulda happened to me, okay? Easy. I mean it. That coulda happened to me, that could happen to Mack, that coulda happened to any of us." Cisco says. HR is silent. "H.R...You gonna hold down the fort?"

"Yeah." HR says. 

"Of course you are, cause that's what you do. You show up. You're ready. Dependable when we need you the most. You hear me?" Cisco asks him.

"I hear you." HR says. 

"And you're super cool." I tell him and he smiles, looking down. 

Cisco grabs his bag and I start walking out with him.

"All right." HR says. "Till next time."

Cisco and I turn in the doorway. HR tips his hat and I salute him back. Cisco and I leave.

The two of us walk down the hallway when Cisco stops. 

"Cisco?" I ask, waving my hand in front of his face.

Barry walks in.

"You okay?" Barry asks and I shrug. "Cisco?"

"I just had a vibe."CIsco says. 

"What? What'd you see?" Barry asks.

"Killer Frost." Cisco says. "I saw this coming."

"What are you talking about?" Barry asks.

"Ever since Caitlin got powers, I've had vibes of us fighting in a forest." Cisco explains. "This whole time I've been fighting it. I didn't wanna face the fact that one day, she'd be this far gone."

"Then go now." Barry says. "Keep her from making the biggest mistake of her life."

"What about you? You're gonna need my help." Cisco says. 

"Savitar won't be with her right now." Barry says. "This is our best chance to help her. Go, both of you, and save Caitlin. I'll save Iris."

"Mack, the second you start feeling sick, you duck behind a tree, alright?" Cisco tells me as we walk through the snowy forest.

"Cisco, I'm fine." I try to tell him.

"I don't care." Cisco says. "You feel sick, you're out, you hear me?"

"Yes." I tell him.

"Good." Cisco says.

"All I want is Caitlin back." I tell him.

"Believe me, so do I." Cisco says. We walk through some more. "I know you're here!" He yells for KF. "Come out and face me like a woman."

"I didn't think you'd actually show." KF says, walking out of the shadows. 

"That's 'cause you don't know anything about me." Cisco says. "Or Caitlin, for that matter."

"Savitar's right. In order to join him as a god, I have to cure myself of Caitlin." KF says. "This has to happen."

"We don't wanna fight you." I tell her. 

"I don't wanna fight you, either." KF says. "I wanna kill you."

KF shoots her ice at Cisco and he's knocked back. She shoots her ice at me but my quakes tear them apart before they can get near me. 

We fight. 


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