Chapter 41 - Cause and Effect

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MacKenzie's POV

"It's impossible." Iris says in the cortex.

I'm in the cortex with all of them. I'm sitting in a spinny chair, my feet to my chest with a few jackets and a blanket on. I'm still freezing, but I want to help out in any way I can.

"I don't understand. How could Savitar be you?" Joe asks.

"He's not me. Not really." Barry says.

"He's all the worst parts of you." Cisco says. "It's like in Star Trek when the transporter splits Kirk into good Kirk and bad Kirk." He looks at HR. "Please tell me you at least have Star Trek on your Earth."

"Voyager." HR says.

"I hate spinoffs." Cisco says.

"That explains why Caitlin was willing to follow him." Julian says. "He has a face that she trusts."

"Half of one anyway." Barry says.

"So when the Legends found that message in the Waverider from old you saying 'Don't trust Barry Allen,' it was talking about Savitar Barry Allen." Cisco puts together. "It's all coming together in the worst way."

"You said you made Savitar?" Joe asks. "How?"

"Peep this." Cisco says and he draws as he talks. "Four years from now, future Flash creates a time remnant to fight Savitar. But Savitar lets that remnant live so that it can later become Savitar. So once Savitar is imprisoned in the Speed Force, this remnant starts to go crazy. And he goes back in time to the past and becomes Savitar."

"Creating the lie that he was the first speedster, spreading the myth and recruiting acolytes throughout the ages." Julian says.

"That doesn't make any sense." Joe says. "Which came first, Savitar or the time remnant?"

"It's a closed loop." I say, pulling the blanket closer around me.

"Exactly. No beginning, no end. It's just one endless cycle." Cisco says.

"Classic chicken and the egg scenario, I think, eh?" HR asks.

"A time remnant, it's, um it's like a duplicate of you, right?" Wally asks. So it has your feelings, your memories. So why would he want to hurt us? Why would he want to kill Iris?"

Everyone is silent.

"H.R., how's Tracy coming with the Speed Force trap?" Barry asks.

"Good, yeah, good. Slow." HR says,

"Get her to speed up, all right?" Barry says.

"I'll do that now. Can do." HR says.

Barry walks out.

"If Savitar is a version of Barry from the future and he remembers everything that Barry does, how are we ever going to come up with a plan to stop him?" Wally asks.

Iris walks out. Cisco turns to look at the board again.

I sneeze and Cisco whips his head around to look at me.

"Woah, chill out, just a sneeze." I say, holding my hands up in defense.

"'Chill out'?" Cisco asks and I giggle. "Not funny." He says with a smile.

"It was a little funny." I say.

I cough a few times. Cisco walks over to me and puts a hand to my forehead.

"Cisco, I'm fine." I tell him.

"I'm not sure." Cisco says. "Man, I wish Caitlin was here --uh, but she was the one who did this so--"

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